Vol. 1: Black n' White (Chapt 6)

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《Chapter 6: Rainy to Sunny》

In the next day, Jade tries to approach Jin, while Jin tries to approach Jade. It was quite awkward since they were at class that time, so they had to wait til' the class is finished.

As soon as the class finished Jin suddenly saw Jade her way to her room, so Jin tried to approach.

"Hey, Jade" Jin greeted, nervously.

"I barely hear you greet me." Jade said.

"Eh? Is it bad to greet you?" Jin asked.

"No, I just said, it was rare." Jade said.

"Oh, well.. actually.. I just want to say sorry to you the other day." Jin said.

"I actually never thought about what I will do after killing you... so.. I'm sorry." Jin said, looking down.

"It's okay to make mistakes, you're just a kid." Jade said.

"Wait, aren't you just a kid?" Jin asked.

"We're all just kids, and we all make mistakes." Jade said.

"Though, I am really sorry about your father, he seems like a good man." Jade said.

"Yes.. he was." Jin said, teary.

"Whatever my people did to your people, I am really, really sorry." Jade said as she hugged Jin.

"You know, I have never felt this feeling in my whole life." Jade said.

"What?" Jin asked.

"You know, this thing you guys called sadness." Jade said, as she stops hugging Jin.

"Isn't your life painful too?" Jin asked.

"Yeah, it was... like... I was being abused by everybody in the City of Darkness. Happiness, friendship, family, love never exists there, just killers, blood, death." Jade said.

"Weren't you sad at that time?" Jin asked.

"No... in the City of Darkness, we weren't allowed to cry, even if we're just newborn. Also.. I got used with the pain and abuse they did to me, and I never ever talked back then." Jade said.

"That must be really tough." Jin said.

"Yes, it really was." Jade said.

"But gladly, I got out of that city and moved here, where all races can live here." Jade said.

"Yes, Galo City is the place where all races reunited back then." Jin said.

"I guess you're not that bad after all." Jin said as she looked at Jade, quite smiling.

"Friends?" Jin asked, and lend her hand to Jade.

"...Friends." Jade agreed, and handshaked with Jin.

"I can't wait to know more about you." Jin said.

"Yeah same." Jade said.

"It's getting late, I have to study for the exam this week." Jin said.

"Okay, goodluck with that." Jade said as she stood up.

"Wait, aren't you also going to take the exam?" Jin asked.

"Yeah, it's just that I don't need to study anymore, if I know a fighter's attack moves." Jade said, as she looked back at Jin.

"You're quite mysterious." Jin said, smirking at Jade.

"Yeah I know." Jade said, with a bit of plain reaction.

"Goodnight, whitesun." Jade said, as she took out her shadowclaw scythe (right) and threw it, until it hits a wall, and teleports Jade to the wall where the shadowclaw scythe hits.

Jin sighed as she saw Jade teleported, "What a day." Jin said, started walking, going to her room.


To be continued..

Vol. 1: Black and White
Chapter 7: Cat n' Dog

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