Vol. 1: Black n' White (Chapt 2)

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《Chapter 2: Raging Light》

After classes, it was breaktime, so the students went to the canteen.

When Jin reached the canteen, she again saw Jade. Jin suddenly went up to her, not to talk to her but to fight her.

"Hey you!" Jin shouted as she walk up to her, while Jade turned, and looked at her with a confused expression.

"Yes?" Jade asked.

"You killed my people!!" Jin shouted.

"You mean, my people killed yours." Jade said, calmly.

"UGHHHH!!" Jin shouted with frustration as she took her greatsword of light and tried to slash Jade.

Jade quickly took her shadowclaw scythe (right) and used it to block. "Having a battle with me?" Jade asked with a smirk face.

"This. is a deathmatch!" Jin said, looking real serious.

Jade took out her other shadowclaw scythe (left) and used it to try hit Jin, but Jin quickly summoned a shield, so everytime Jade does double attacks, it just gets blocked.

'No one has ever took down my double attack, this one is really interesting.' Jade thought.

Jade suddenly transfered her body into a shadow and jump at Jin to get a perfect slash.

"Huh?" Jin couldn't block her attack, so she did a backflip instead.

"You're a very interesting fighter" Jade said as she came back to her body.

"You're not at all interesting to me." Jin said as she tried to use her ability power that will make Jade feel calm.

"Calm? I'm already calm, you're the one who needs to calm down." Jade said as she threw her shadowclaw scythe and suddenly teleported right behind Jin.

Jin was surprised, when she turned and looked back, she saw Jade with 2 shadowclaw scythes infront of her face.

"Like I said... I mean no harm." Jade said, calmly, as she put down her weapons.

"Get lost, whitesun" Jade said as she turned back.

"Never!" Jin said, as she jumped, ready to slash Jade with her greatsword.

Jade swiftly took her 2 shadowclaw scythes and tried to slash Jin, but suddenly Professor Gemini came, and stopped them, using the ability to make anyone stop.

"You 2 are in big trouble, in the first day of the academy, detention time for you 2." Professor Gemini said.

In the office, they started talking about what happened.

"Sir, I did nothing, I didn't want to harm her, but she made me try to do it." Jade explained.

"Yeah! Well you see.. you killed my family, my people, my father!! And now I will be taking revenge, I will kill you!!" Jin said.

"Thats enough! Jin.. did you still remember the rules of this academy?" Professor Gemini asked.

"Yes." Jin answered.

"Then what is rule #10?" Professor Gemini asked.

"Never kill nor harm anyone at this academy, no matter what." Jin said as she sighed.

"That's right." Professor Gemini said.

"Jade.. in these kinds of situations, you--" suddenly Jade cuts of his sentence.

"--should go run away from it." Jade said as she finished his sentence.

"Exactly." Professor Gemini said.

"If you run away from a problem like that, I'm pretty sure it would be the worst idea from a warrior to do that, sometimes people has to face it." Jade said.

"Yes, but according to the rules of this academy, you're not allowed to kill nor harm anyone, understood?" Professor Gemini said.

"Yeah sure." Jade said, rolling her eyes.

"Now, you 2 better get along someday, I promise you it will become better." Professor Gemini said.

Jade and Jin looked at each other straight in the eyes. "That will never happen." Jin said.

Jin went out the office immediately, going back to her room.

"Why don't you also go back to your room, Ms. Dauntless." Professor Gemini said looking directly to Jade.

"Yeah, sure." Jade said.

Jade went to her room, then suddenly saw someone else in there, so she immediately took out her shadowclaw scythe.

"Woah, woah, woah, i-it's me Ishizu, y-your classmate?" Ishizu said, feeling really scared to have a nightfang roomate.

"Why are you in my room?" Jade asked.

"You must be new to academies. Well you see, you will always have a roomate in the academies." Ishizu explained.

"So, you're my roomate?" Jade asked.

"Y-yes" Ishizu answered anxiously.

"You know, you don't have to be scared of me at all. I may be a nightfang, but I'm very different to them." Jade said as she put down her weapon.

"Don't worry, I've already seen your past." Ishizu said.

"Really?" Jade asked.

"Yes, you have been through alot back then, your father never loved you." Ishizu said.

"Yeah, he never did." Jade said.


To be continued..

Vol. 1: Black n' White
Chapter 3: Party Attack

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