" Don't create a scene here , Rayan . We don't have anything to do with you here . Hire a lawyer and fight us at the court . " Hadi bhai says calmly but with finality in his tone coming at Dawood's side .

" Oh dear whatever-you-name-is ! I am here to negotiate with you . Why this court and countless hearing when you will lose in the end . I hope you had seen my old records. " Rayan says carelessly then turn around and wink at Alina . She gives a disgusted look and roll her eyes .

" We will see that and I swear history won't be repeated ." Dawood laughed lightly , Devishly .

" Don't beg me later . " Rayan smirks .

" Don't beg us later . " Dawood smirks taking a step forward .

" Cocky, are we ? " Rayan ask with a raised brow . Dawood roll his eyes at him .

" So you are here to talk shit and waste our time . Well , this is expected from a asshole like you . " Alina snaps and we look at her unbelievably . She had gone red with anger . Her hand fisted on her either sides .

" Oh my lioness ! You got no chill ! Well how fortunate of me ! You look hundred times more beautiful when you are angry . Please , have mercy on my heart ! " He looks directly in Alina's eyes and smiles at her placing his hand on his heart .
Her green orbs blazing fire at him.

" Thank you so much for your compliment ! " she says sweetly,  sarcasm dripping from her every  words. " Now , Get lost before I call these people around to beat the shit out of you and smash you like a cockroach . Remember,  this is my area and my people think thousand time before making any move on us . Keep this in your mind I can do this. If I told them you are a bloody rapist, they will turn you black and blue or worst ." she threatened glancing at the small crowd around us but he doesn't get fazed . She steps forward pointing towards the park gate directly looking in his eyes .

He looked in her eyes longer than needed with amusement and for the for the first time I see a flick of anger in his eyes . Soon enough a smirk captured  his  lips then he chuckled throwing his head back then he shook his head .

" This will be fun . " he murmurs and turned on his heels . Waving his hand as bye . His back facing us as he walk further away from us . His body guards following behind .

After walking few steps he again turned around .

" Then see you in my territory , baby . " he sends a flying kiss toward Alina and Alina looks at him with hatred , clenching and unclenhing her fist.

" GO AWAY , Already ! " Saud bhai snapped at him rolling his eyes, at which he just smirk and leave us astonished , speechless and utterly confused .


I was leaning against the terrace railing looking at the dark sky. How much things have changed in our life in just a matter of week.

I laugh at the irony of this situation that the person I love the most and the person I hate the most have same name ! Rayan .

After the incident at the Park we soon went back home . Our mood had  turned sour . Alina had locked herself in her room . She was fuming with anger so we didn't stop  or insist her to stay with us . Aliyah was with her in her room but soon her father came to pick her up .

Zareen seems a little off .
For me and Ayesha it was hard to comprehend what just happened . How he dare to invade our territory ! Well , this proved Dawood's point that he is keeping an eye on our every move .

JASMINE ✔️ (Unedited Version)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz