"Jenna, can you talk to me? please, I don't want to fight. All I want to do is try and help you, and I want the truth none of this bullshit your feeding us" I sat on the bed in front of her, she looked up shrugging.

"Why can't you just leave, and leave me and my dad alone. You just think you're so perfect" she looked at me angrily. Ok. This wasn't going the way I had hoped for.

"Jenna, trust me. I am far from perfect. I love your dad, and you.." even if she didn't deserve my love. "I won't be leaving any time soon, we used to get along so well and then you just began to really hate me." I spoke quietly to her, hoping she would just tell me what the matter really was.

"Yeah, and then I realised I wanted my mum and not you. You just think you're my mum and you will never be, I hate you so much and wish you never came back." She jumped up, shouting at me.

Her words were harsh, but with so much truth and hurt in them. She truly hated me. I had tried to give her everything she could want. I'd never tried to take the spot her mother had in her heart. It was now becoming clear, that I didn't have a place in her heart.

Laying down on the couch in the movie room, I ran my hands down over my stomach and exhaled loudly. I'd never walk out and leave them again, but part of me had to wonder if it would be easier if I just left again. I hated that I was so emotional, crying seemed to be the only thing I was doing of late.

"Belle?" Ashton walked over to me, worry across his face when I had come back outside to them, Parker was sprawled back in his chair, with chips and dip on the table, beers opened and the radio on with the football playing. They were all set. "What's up?"

"Nothing baby, don't worry." I tried to re assure him, I didn't want him to worry any more than he had to.

"You're lying to me, you can't even look at me."

That was true. I avoided eye contact. With a whisper, I sighed. "Please leave it, I don't want to cry any more" I held my breath as he swiped his thumb under my eye.

"So, these guys that hit on you, who are they so I can break their faces?" he went and sat back next to Chris, I shook my head letting a soft laugh out.

"I think everyone knows I am yours Ash, no need to worry." I grinned, pointing to my stomach and stretching back out on the chair.

"Good" he grinned. "I'll have to fuck it into you if you ever forget that.

Ash's parents walked through with more food and drinks. I wasn't aware they were joining us, but it was nice to see them. His mum came straight over, her arms wide open to give me a welcoming squeeze than before "I'm so happy." She whispered.

"Me too." I said honestly, I was definitely happy. As happy as I could be, considering the events that have played out.

"So I hear there's going to be a baby screaming the house down soon" his dad chuckled, taking his mothers spot when she moved aside.

"Yeah, another little Ashton." I laughed.

"Just what the world needs, god help us all." Parker groaned. "But, anyway here's to the happy couple, congrats and I wish you the best with the baby and marriage" he held his beer up to toast then took a long sip.

Ash came over and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind, "Are you sure that you're alright?" he asked. I was so sick of that question.

"We're good." I answered with a smile.

It wasn't long before Ashton had told Jenna to come down and eat some dinner, she hadn't uttered a peep as she sat at the table with any of us. We was talking, lots of laughter and his parents were asking about the scans I had and if we were going to find out what we were having, I think we would but then again I want to be surprised a little bit.

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