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"Where the hell have you been?" Parker's low voice hissed as I stood beside him and the man marrying us.

"Fixing my hair up, can't let Belle be the only good looking one here" I shrugged then looked at him with a frown "What did you do, why do you look like that?"

He squinted his eyes shut and sighed "May have informed Belle that you'd done a runner."

"Are you kidding me!" I grumbled then gave him a slight nudge back "Don't call her that, it's Isabelle to you." I narrowed my eyes at him, and he laughed quietly as the music started to play.

I had done the man thing and picked out the song out for her to walk down to since I wanted to have a small say in the wedding, I left everything else up to her, well I also chose our first dance song. It was going to make up for all the shit I've caused her this past year.

"Shit" Parker nudged me "Look" and my head went up.

My heart stopped, well not stopped but bloody close. I couldn't take my eyes off her. She was the single most beautiful thing that I had ever laid eyes on in my entire life, she was perfect.

I wanted to look away, hell I was so done for. She was looking at me and narrowed her eyes a little but gave me a cheeky smile at the same time, I knew she was going to get me back for the mini heart attack I've just given her, or well the mini heart attack Parker had given her.

"I think I want to marry her as well." Parker joked and I cracked a wider smile. I was the luckiest guy alive to be marrying this woman.

Her hair was half pulled back or well pinned as she told me, I had no idea what it was. Hell, I'm a man who works with tools and buildings all day, when it comes to face stuff, I didn't know what to bloody think. But I must say, the face and hair were hot.

"She's all mine" I spoke back and managed to break the eye contact from her and rake my eyes up and down her body.

The dress wasn't what I imagined, she told me she was wearing simple, plain and resembles a tent. This was tight and showing off her body, the stomach had my heart thumping harder, it was out there and on show, hell the stomach was proudly on show.

"There are people around, stop groaning like your about to pounce." Parker muttered under his breath.

"I want to bury my face in those breasts, give me a distraction" I whispered back to him trying not to draw attention.

The thing he had decided to do was reach and pinch my ass hard. Yes, my best man felt me up at my own wedding. But it worked and then I felt a wave of emotion as she drew closer. I had to blink back the tears.

Belle finally after the longest 20 seconds of my life arrived and stood in front of me with her mum "Hey beautiful." I whispered, I wanted to lean in and kiss those red lips.

"Hey handsome." She spoke back.

"Look after her" Liz warned and I laughed leaning forward and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"I want to kiss you" I whispered to Belle once her mum left, Hell, I really wanted to kiss her.

"You look really hot" She whispered back.

The ceremony started and I had remembered our vows, she teased me saying I would forget them, but I knew exactly what I wanted to say.

"Belle, I promise to love and care for you, and I will try in every way to be worthy of your love. I will always be honest with you, kind, patient and forgiving. I promise to try to be on time and learn how to cook something other than noodles. I will make sure I never forget to pack up the tools and I won't do any home renos without telling you first, but most of all, I promise to be a true and loyal friend to you. I love you." Shit, she was tearing up. She was going to make me cry.

We were getting to the kiss the bride part and I was in too much of a rush to wait, so I did the only logical thing to do. Cut the man off.

"Ashton, do you?" He asked and didn't get a chance to finish.

"Oh yeah!" I wiggled my brows at her.

"Isabelle Do you?" She had the same Idea as me and followed.

She nodded her head fast and grinned widely "Absolutely!"

"Well okay then, husband and wife, you may now kiss each other!" He laughed loudly and I didn't hesitate to snake my arms around her body and pull her close to my chest as I kissed her good and proper, not giving a shit who seen me suck her face off.

I felt her smiling against me as he clung to my arms, kissing her and dipping her low as her arms wrapped up around my neck and kissed me back harder, the devil slid her tongue in my mouth, and I heard her moan. Well here comes on another hard one.

"I love the song baby" She smiled "You did good."

"I'm glad, you are my best friend and I'm lucky to be in love with you" I kissed her nose and got ready for the rush of people to come and speak to us.

It took us a good half hour to get through everyone, friends, most the family. Everyone had come up and said the same thing, It's about time.

"Congrats you two, that ceremony was amazing" Mum finally came over and wrapped us both in a hug, she cried through the whole thing. Heck, she cried all morning when I was getting my suit on, as well as copping a mouthful from Parker, I couldn't believe he thought I really banged to stripper. I had to fess up and tell him the only thing I banged was my pregnant fiancée.

That earned a smirk and a high five from him. Mum, well not so much. Dad just laughed and stayed out of it.

I wrapped my arms around Belle's waist and held her closely while putting my free hand over her stomach "It was better than amazing, it was perfect" she answered and looked up, she really was beautiful.

"Come on lovers, time to get down and party, plus I'm starving" Parker's voice came between us both as he kissed Belle on the cheek and then planted one on me.

"Well, I think I could have some fun on the cordial" Belle laughed.

"I'll drink for you" I winked.

"Sure, you will husband" She smiled and I froze. Husband.

Pushing my idiot of a best mate away as I led her away from everyone for some quiet, turning and pushing her in the brick wall gently, I rested my forehead to hers. "That's right, I'm your husband, and you're my wife."

"I'm so happy, it doesn't feel different, but it does." I knew exactly what she meant. "I can't believe they told me you'd gone missing."

I laughed "Well sweetheart, I needed to pretty myself up for you, you look amazing, the dress the hair and make-up, you look so fucking beautiful" I held her hand and lifted it up, looking at the set of rings on her left hand and kissing over them "The only other thing to make me this happy will be when our baby is born."

"I know, I think we're going to get our happy ending Ash, we deserve it."

"You deserve it" I stated "So, I think you should let me kiss you a bit more right now while we're alone."

"Ash" her smile betrayed her. "We can't."

"Says who?" I groaned kissing her once more, she didn't hesitate to kiss me back and wrap her arms around me. "We can do whatever we want baby."

"Damn it, kiss me now" she breathed out as her hands slid up and down my waist, gripping the shirt tighter as she pulled me against her.

And so, I kissed her.

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