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I wasn't really speaking much to anyone when we went downstairs, I was still quite annoyed at Ash, and he knew I was. I was angry because instead of talking to me, he just bottles it up and ignores the conversation then goes out and drinks himself stupid.

I don't know if the others had heard the fight, but they hadn't mentioned it, even Parker hadn't brought anything up, he hadn't even been cheeky with his smart-ass remarks. Jenna was even being nice. We looked like a perfect family on the outside. Inside was a different story, far from it.

The dark cloud of Ashtons ten second bang was looming over this house like a bad smell. Kelly had called the house and mum answered, she told her in some not so nice words to fuck off and go buy another bag of coke and to leave us alone.

The three of us were stunned that those words had slipped out of her mouth right before she hung up the phone.

I was laying on the couch alone in the living room, silence was just what I needed right now, I was sick of the drama and sick of the fighting, I just wanted peace and quiet for half an hour. Ashton had gone to talk with Jenna, which was a good thing. Those two needed to sort things out, and work on how they can both work out how they can meet in the middle.

Mum was outside by the pool, reading a novel and getting some sun on her legs, I had gone to chat with her earlier and we didn't get into too much detail, but she just wanted to help when she could and not interfere with anything. I loved that about her, always here for others. The pool looked good, and I was tempted to go for a swim, but the couch in the media room was calling my name and I just needed to be cosy and comfortable.

"Belle" Ash's quiet voice entered the room.

My eyes stuck to the ceiling as I responded "yeah?"

"You being this quiet is killing me. We've never fought like this before." he sat down at the foot of the couch and rubbing his hand up and down my legs and massaging my heel.

Another thing, Ashton was walking around me like I was a ticking time bomb, that I was about to blow up and let loose on anyone who was close to me.

"I'm not mad Ashton, just sad" I replied. "I'm exhausted."

"Tell me how to fix this." he got up off the couch and lent down in front of me, his hands hesitantly reached out and took mine, holding them a little tighter.

I shrugged "You said nothing happened and I believe you, but why the hell would someone turn up here and say she was with you all night?" I bit my lip and rolled over, facing the centre of the couch as I started crying again. It didn't make sense.

His body moving up behind mine as he wrapped his arms around me "I promise Belle, nothing happened with her, and it wouldn't have" he kissed the middle of my shoulder. "I wasn't sitting there chatting her up. I was drunk and stumbled to the door and got a lift."

"It just hurts" I whispered softly as I placed my hands over his and pulled them tighter around my stomach while his leg went over the top of mine.

When my eyes opened, I realised Ashton was still pressed behind me, his hand protectively draped around my swollen stomach and his light breathing in the nape of my neck, he was fast asleep.

I let out a little yawn and glanced up when a tall figure moved in my vision. Parker leaning on the couch smirking, "Yes I was the kind person who put the blanket over you both to keep warm so you can thank me now or later." He winked. "I don't mind a lap dance."

"Give yourself a lap dance" Ashton groaned and moved slightly.

"But I wanted your sexy body in my face Ash, oh Ash I just love your hot builder's body that's so tanned, and muscley" he said in a high-pitched voice rolling his eyes.

"Is that meant to be me?" I raised a brow in question, that did not sound like me at all.

"Yeah, well you do go on about his body" he laughed.

"Go away before I kick you out of my house" I smirked at him.

He backed away as he placed his hand over his heart and pouted "you cut me deep, both of you seriously hurt me on a daily basis" he laughed.

"And yet you still come back to us" Ashton called out as he laughed lightly.

I rolled over so I was now facing Ashton, his arms still holding me as I held him, our bodies pressing together underneath the heavy covers "I love you" I smiled as I spoke quietly, I leant in and sneaked a kiss.

The kiss had taken a turn for the best, our bottoms were hastily pulled half off, and I pulled him closer towards me, not once breaking the kiss as my leg hitched over his hip while he sunk into the depths of me.

"God Ash" I moaned over his mouth as we slowly made love, his hands over my bare ass as he pulled me towards him while he thrusted in and out slowly.

"Fuck I love you" he groaned as he kissed me deeper, his movements going a little faster as he picked up the pace to drive us both to our orgasms, both of us breathing heavily as we started to come down from the high.

Neither of us saying as word as we just laid there, staring into each other's eyes and kissing lightly, it was as if I needed that quick shag on the couch to realise that Ash was mine and he wasn't going anywhere.

"We should get dressed before your mum or Jenna walks in" he spoke as his lips connected with the skin on my neck, his mouth slowly sucking lightly.

"Well, you better pull out then and let my leg go" I giggled slightly.

"I missed that sound" he caressed my cheek softly.

"I missed us, I just miss how we were before all this shit happened, I want us to be happy and stupid together again." I mumbled and ran my hand through his locks of dark brown hair "you need a haircut."

"I know, it's so thick and hard" he chuckled teasingly.

"I can feel something else that's thick and hard" I clenched down on him, and he groaned deeply.

"Well sweetheart we better fix that then shouldn't we" he pulled out, only a slight movement before he sunk back in.

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