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Sitting in the driveway after I parked the car, I glanced over at the empty spot beside me where Ash usually parked his ute. My heart was broken for him. Everything was going from bad to worse.

What was we going to do? I didn't know how to answer that question.

I grabbed the last of the shopping bags from the car and carried them inside the house. Jenna was already unpacking the bags I had brought in, being helpful. Why couldn't she be like this all the time. She was so helpful when she wanted to be, and wonderful to be around when she was in such a great mood.

She was not Ashton's child. She was his daughter, but she wasn't, and I don't know where that left us.

He had gone to his parents once hearing the news, and I don't blame him. I guess he had some questions and needed a few answers. There was a lot to process here. They could help, they may have paperwork to prove that a fake dna was done and then he would need to go back to his lawyer.

Could he sue for backdated child support? Emotional damages?

Parker and I had just stared at each other in shock when Ash revealed the news. We weren't sure what to say, because that possibility didn't even enter in my mind. I never once thought there could be another man out there, who was Jennas father.

Ash believes he is a fool, that he is going to be the laughing stock once the news came out. Nobody would think that it would be people talking about her, not him.

Jenna was unaware as to what has happened, and her mothers name hadn't been mentioned. I was tempted to go and visit her; she had come in like a hurricane and ruined our lives in a matter of hours. It was ridiculous.

I packed the last of the groceries away, then made my way to the living room and tidied up a little. It wasn't too late in the evening, but I was tired. Pregnancy was kicking my ass lately. Come 4pm, and I was ready for bed.

"Parker, when Ash comes back can you tell him I've gone to bed." I stopped by his bedroom door and asked.

He nodded. "Sure, I'm not heading to sleep yet anyway."

"Do you think he's going to be ok?" I asked, I knew the answer to this anyway. "I'm really worried."

"He's just found out his daughter isn't really his, how would you react?" he turned around folding a shirt. "I mean, I'd be gutted. My whole life would be a lie."

That was true. "I'm going to bed, I'll see you in the morning." I smiled weakly, and pulled his door shut gently.

Making my way up the stairs, I checked in on Jenna to find her fast asleep in her bed, she had been watching a movie and fell asleep before it ended. I turned the tv off and pulled up her covers. I really hoped she had a change of heart regarding her mother.

I fell into the bed with a moan, nothing better than climbing into fresh sheets of a night after a warm shower. I stretched out and smiled as the door opened with Ash joining me. "You're back." I grinned, not expecting him to be back so soon.

"I told you I wouldn't be too long." He said lifting his shirt and taking it off and tossing it on the chair. "Parker said you went to sleep, and I thought I'd come in to see you passed out with a bowl of popcorn on the bed."

Laughing I shook my head, I had been enjoying buttery popcorn a bit too often. "Not tonight, maybe tomorrow."

I watched as he undressed, stripping naked and climbing into the bed beside me. His body warm as he pulled me against him, and I snuggled in close, facing each other I ran my fingers up and down his chest. We were silent, just the sounds of the trees blowing outside the window.

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