Chapter 4

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Mae's POV:

I pull up to Dylan's house and walk up to his door. After a couple of knocks he opens the door and lets me in.

"You're not ready? I texted you I was on my way to pick you up to go hang out with the cast."
"I know. I'm not going." He says walking away.

As I follow him further into his house the strong smell of alcohol fills my nose. Great he's been drinking.

"Babe why are you drinking?" I ask.
"Because I can, geez, how about you not act like my mom." He retaliates.
"Ok I'm going to hang out with the cast, call me when you're sober." I say put out.

As I turn to leave I feel a strong grip around my arm.

"You're not going anywhere without me. If I'm not going, neither are you."
"Dylan let go, you're hurting me and making no sense." I say trying to get out of his grip. But he begins to grip harder.

It's really starting to hurt now. I finally get free and look down at my arm, it has a hand print on it, obviously going to leave a bruise.

I begin to leave faster this time when I hear a crash in the kitchen. I exit the house quickly before anything else happens. I climb into my car and begin to drive off.

As I'm driving I think about what happened with Dylan. That wasn't the first time he's gotten physical with me, luckily it's never been to bad, but he does leave his mark with some bruises.

I pull up to the club that Mena texted me they decided to go to instead of the restaurant. I stand in line outside the club waiting my turn to go in.

"Next!" I hear someone say breaking me out of thought. "Name?"
"Mae Sanders"

The security guard lets me in and I immediately start searching for some familiar faces. I suddenly hear someone laugh and I immediately know it's Mena. I turn around to see him laughing with Will and Naomi at the bar.

"Hey guys!" I say making my way over to them.
"Mae! You made it!" Mena says greeting me with a hug.

I smile at him taking a seat beside him.

"Mae have you met Naomi or Will yet?" Mena asks me.
"No I haven't. Hi guys, I'm Mae, I'm Mena's makeup artist."

They both smile and say hi to me. I order a drink and get ready to have a fun time.

"I thought you were going to bring your boyfriend?" Mena says.
"Yeah, I was going to but um, some things happened and he couldn't come."
"Oh ok." Mena seems to want to ask me further questions but knows not to pry.

I get my drink and immediately down it. I'm determined to have a good time, and if that means getting intoxicated and acting like an idiot then that's what I'm going to do. I order my next drink and down that one immediately and I start to feel a little tipsy.

I grab Mena's hand and start pulling him to the dance floor. Now if I did not have any alcohol in me, I would never do this, but I get so much confidence when alcohol starts to pump through my veins.

I start dancing and grinding on Mena. Honestly he didn't seem like he minded to much because you was dancing with me.

After the song ends I just look at Mena and start to laugh. He's really cute. No, no Mae, you have a boyfriend. Mena smiles that beautiful smile and then looks down.

He suddenly grabs my arm, not harsh at all but it did startle me because I wasn't expecting it.

"Mae what happened to your arm? How'd you get these bruises."
"Um I'm really clumsy." I say the first thing coming to mind. Not the best explanation but I'm drunk so it's the best that I can do right now.

Mena doesn't press anymore but he definitely doesn't seem convinced and even seems a bit concerned.

I walk back over to the bar expecting to see Will and Naomi, but I see neither of them.

"They both left, if you're looking for Will and Naomi."

I just nod in response and get another drink and at this point I'm very drunk. I'm sweating and feel like the room is spinning.

I feel someone grab my arm and look over to see Mena catching me.

"You ok? You seemed to lose your balance." He asks me.
"Yep!" I say popping the "p".

I begin to drag him towards to huge group of people on the dance floor again.

"Hey Mae, I should probably take you home."
"One more dance, pleaseeeee!" I say whining.
"Ok fine." He says smiling at me.

We dance for a bit, again with me grinding on him. After the song ends I turn towards Mena, then suddenly I lean in and kiss him. It felt like the world has stopped as I feel our lips move together in sync.

a/n: thank you all for reading and all the support!! love y'all!! don't forget to vote and comment!

He's the One//Mena Massoud Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang