Chapter 3

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Mae's POV:

I immediately recognize the smiling face looking back at me.

"Wait I'm confused are you an actor?" I ask him.

He chuckles at me.
"Yes I am, why does that confuse you? We never talked about what we did for a living."
"I know, I guess it just took me by surprise that you're here. So who do you play in the movie."

He started laughing again.
"Did they not tell you who's makeup you're doing?"
I just shook my head no.
"I'm playing Aladdin."

Oh my gosh of course he is! He'd make the perfect Aladdin.

"That's awesome! I bet you're going to do great at it!"

After getting him ready for set and getting to know each other more, my phone rang.

"Hello." I say.
"Hey babe." I hear Dylan say on the other line.
"Hi, did you need something because I'm at work right now."

I hear him mumble something on the other side of the phone.

"What? I can't hear you." I say.
"Nothing, I said nothing. Look I just wanted to say I'm sorry about yesterday. Can we hang out later?"
"Um I don't know, I have to go." And I hung up before he even got to say anything.

I walk to set hoping I'll be able to see a bit of the action today.

They film a few scenes and then Guy, the director, called for a 15 minute break. Then I see Mena walking towards me.

"Hey Mae." He says flashing that beautiful smile.
"Has anyone ever told you that you have a great smile?" I ask returning the smile.

He starts to slightly laugh.
"Yeah a few people. But thanks I appreciate it." I look up at him and he seems to be slightly blushing, he's probably just hot from all the shooting.

"Hey, Naomi, Will, and I are all going out later, would you maybe like to come?"
"Um actually my boyfriend was wanting to hang out today, I'm sorry! Maybe next time?"

Right after I say that, Mena seems a bit disappointed.
"Well I mean you could bring him if you'd like."
"Ok! I'll do that! Where are we hanging out?"
"Um I believe we are going to some Italian restaurant around here, I'll send you the address." He says smiling at me.

Just then Guy calls everyone back and he waves a quick goodbye to me. I walk back to my, well Mena's trailer to collect all of my makeup stuff. After I clean up everything I decide to call Dylan.

"Hey." I hear Dylan say.
"Hey, so I'm going out with some of the cast members later, and I'd really like it if you could come!"
"Ok! What time?"
"Um I'm not sure yet, I'll ask Mena and let you know." I say.
"Mena? Who's Mena?"
"Oh I'm doing his makeup and he plays Aladdin."
"Oh. Um ok. Just let me know I guess."

He then hangs up before even giving me a chance to reply. Honestly I feel like he doesn't even like me sometimes. But we've been together for 2 years now so he has to like me, right?

I get all my stuff together and begin to leave set. I get close to my car, but then I drop almost everything in my arms. I bend down to start to get my stuff again when I hear someone's voice behind me.

" I've got it for you."

I immediately recognize his voice and smile. I turn around and see Mena holding some of my bags.

"You should probably take two trips, this is a lot to carry all at once."
"Yeah tell me about it, I've been doing it for a while now."
"Well then you should at least get someone to help you, here I'll make you a deal, if you wait until after filming to leave, I'll help you carry you're stuff to your car."
"Thanks but you don't have to." I say.
"I know, but I want to." He says and smiles at me.

We take my bags to the car and I start to get in.

"Hey wait!" Mena says.
"You're coming tonight right?"
"Ok, I'll text you the details!" He says smiling and walks to his car.

A/n: wow wow wow! thank you so much for all the reads so soon!! sorry this chapter is sort of a filler, next chapter is about to be exciting! don't forget to comment and vote! love y'all!

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