Cold But Warming

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A/N: My body feels surprisingly lighter...

You finally arrive at your house, gently placing your shivering hand on the doorknob and quickly pull it down opening door. Before you even managed to insist on Shimmer going first she immediately enters the house quickly, bumping into you in the process and having her eyes completely locked onto the inside of the house. You stood outside for a little while, looking at her casually taking off her shoes in the entrance corridor, she lifts up her head and faces you, looking at you in annoyance.

"Would you mind closing the door?" she asked, stopping mid-way taking off her left shoe.

You quickly snap out of your frozen state and grab the knob from the inside closing the door as you swiftly walk in facing down at the ground and then the floor in embarrassment. Shimmer continues to take off her left shoe, she stands up, takes a quick look at you and then walks at a normal pace towards the kitchen counter. As you finally embrace the warmth of the house you crouch down and slowly take off your winter shoes, your sock-covered feet are lightly freezing. You hold onto your right foot with both of your hands embracing your cold feet onto your palms as you rub them a little, your eyelids drop as you grind your teeth. You then glance at the kitchen counter with the corridor wall covering up most of your view.

You let go of your feet and set them down on the floor, standing up grudgingly as you then stretch out your fists in the air as hard as you could, afterward you stop and open your fists, then drop your arms as they later dangle like pasta straws attached to your shoulders. You begin to walk towards the kitchen counter, you jadedly place your hand on the corner of the corridor, you get a good look at the back of the yellow and red-haired girl standing in front of the counter glancing at the black-screened TV, you look at her conflictingly letting go of the corridor wall as you continue walking. Stopping by the left end of the counter, you lift up and rest your lower arm on the counter looking at the TV as well.

What a day, you thought as you sighed lightly.

You turn your head slightly to the right looking over at Shimmer, she's staring at the TV with sad moody looking eyes as if she was unmotivated to study for an exam, she's resting both of her elbows on the counter as she rubs her right finger around on her coffee cup filled with cocoa with no steam leaving the cup in vision. Your eyebrows crunches and your lower lip goes upwards pressing your upper lip, you then breathe in through your nose.

"I can warm it up for yo-" 

She takes a big sip off the mug leaning slightly back and then puts it down on the counter with her back straight up.

"No," she mumbled, staring down at the cold cocoa.

Your eyes went from widening to dropped eyelids, you began to turn your head away in another direction surprisingly noticing your mug on the opposite side of Shimmer. Staring at it in a moment of silence, you decide to break it.

"Could you... pass me the mug over there?" you asked Shimmer, pointing at it with your right hand.

She looks over at your hand with the pointing finger directing her eyes to the mug, she stretches her arm over and grabs it, then passes it over to you. Thanking her, you scan inside your mug and there is still some cocoa left in it. You grab it by the handle and lift it up, looking down at the brown liquid deep in thought and then you take a sip. The curious taste of cold chocolate filled your mouth as you took another sip, you then drink the whole thing in one go. Whilst the silence taking over, you stand there with a reflective expression on your face and you then decide to break that silence.

"For how long do you think you'll decide to stay?" you curiously asked, lowering your right eyebrow while leaving a wide-open left eye.

"I don't know," she muttered, bleakly staring down at her cold cocoa.

You look at her blankly for a while when an idea suddenly hit you leaving both of your eyes wide open.

"If you want, you can sleep here for the day and leave tomorrow," you insisted.

She leaves out a sigh and finally lifts up her head and faces you, looking at you right in the eye.

"Look, I appreciate your warm welcome, but I don't know if I even want to do that," she doubted.

Looking at her concerned you decide to speak back.

"But why," you questioned.

"I don't need your help anymore, okay?" She stated, raising her voice in the process. 

"But you didn't go back to your dorm..." You said, lowering your voice a bit.

Everything went silent again, you and Shimmer still standing there, looking at each other in the eye. While you're looking concerned and questionable at Shimmer, she begins to look at you in annoyance as he eyebrows slowly crunch at each end into each other. Shimmer breaks the eye contact and immediately drinks up the last bit of cocoa she has left in her mug, turns towards you and starts to walk. Before she managed to pass by, you attempt to grab her right arm.


She quickly slaps away your hand with her backhand and keeps on walking without looking at you. While she keeps on walking you turn around towards her and look at her hopelessly, your body starts to feel loose and weak as you keep watching her walk away from you resisting of doing anything.

"Why's that you don't want my help..." you sighed, facing downwards despondently.

You suddenly, hear footsteps leading to the right. You slowly lift your head seeing Shimmer walk towards the guest room, opening the door and getting a small glimpse at you before entering the room. After witnessing that you give off a quiet sigh of relief and you walk to the corridor towards your bubble jacket and you pick up your phone, you walk to the lights switches and turn off all lights and then you head over to your room.

Finally arriving, you turn off the light and you then jump in your bed getting nice and comfy and turning on your phone afterward. You keep on swiping the screen until you finally arrive at where the Youtube app is and you press it, you scroll through the videos and you press on one.

What can I do about this... you thought, letting out a sigh.

A/N: I think best at night than day for some reason, anyway it became harder to actually motivate myself to write this chapter and plan ahead, but after reading this one fanfiction which just did stuff right and it pumped me up. I have to admit though, I'm pretty lazy.

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