A Giant Tree In The Way

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A/N: I apologise of this chapter were too long...

You were shocked, standing in a completely frozen positions staring down at the person laid down in the snow, it was like staring at a dead body.

What should I do now!? you thought stressed, should I call the ambulance immediately? Or should I...

Then it hit you, you crouched and slowly sank you head to their mouth and faced to the right. You felt the warm breath touching your cheek, you sighed in relief. You stand up, but when you looked at their face you immediately recognized it, yellow skin, red and yellow hair. You look at her with a worried expression, you look down at her clothes, just a purple sweater, an orange skirt, and black jeans. You gently grab the top hole of the sweater on the right side and slowly drag it to try to expose her wounds. You saw a new bruise on her chest, it was scary.

Who could have done this, you thought questioning yourself.

Suddenly before you could think about it you noticed that the girl's eyes slowly opened. It rapidly caught your attention.

"Hey, are you ok? Do you want me to call somebody or just an ambulance?" you said worriedly.

She slowly lifts up her torso as you see her tired eyes. She looks at you.

"Can you, let go?" she asked.

You let go and quickly pull back your arm.

Hope she didn't get the wrong idea... you thought.

"Can you not call anybody?" she asks.

Her voice was a bit quiet, but you still managed to hear her.

"Why?!" you asked her.

The girl looks down at the snow, she looks upset. She starts to hug her knees and her eyes are faced to the left side.

"You don't look like you really feel well, and I've seen the bruises. Why should I not?" You said worriedly.

You attempt to pick up your phone, but before you could drag it out of your pocket the girl quickly sits on her knees and grabs your wrist. You give her a questioning look.

"P-Please, just don't..." she said with small trembling voice.

You could guess how she felt at that moment and you give her a symapthetic look. Her hands were cold and shaking.

Damn it! Just do it already! you thought feeling the pressure being pushed on to you.

You try to pull out your phone, but the girl's hands try to resist you from doing that.


You bite your teeth, the pressure from this one girl was overwhelming. You had to resist and do what you thought was right. Your hand starts shaking as you tighten the grip on your phone.

"Then why?" you asked her.

She's silent.

You put back your phone an the girl slowly lets go of your wrist. You let out a sigh.

I overreacted... you thought realising what you've done, I should just take her to her home...

"Let's just take you home," you said with a sorry expression, "So where do you live? In a house, dorm or apartment?"

"Dorm..." she said still looking down depressively at the snow.

You look at her worryingly, she's shivering. You take off your jacket and put it on her.

Sunset Shimmer x Male!ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora