I turned to Niall after everyone left. “Well, say something.”

“So…I’m dead,” he choked out. I shook my head. “When were you going to tell me this?”

“I didn’t think you needed to know.”

“I’m dead at 19 and you didn’t think I should know?” He basically started to shout at me.

“Why do you think I wanted to be normal, to be human again? It’s not fun being dead and in your defense, you can’t help that since it’s in your blood. I was turned. I never asked for this. I never asked for you.” That last part I know was harsh but we were both saying things we didn’t mean. I began to get off of his lap.

He grabbed me by my wrist. “Where do you think you’re going? I’m not done with this.”

“Well I am. I don’t want to get yelled at for something I didn’t have control over.” I tried yanking my wrist back but he just tightened his grip on me. “Niall, let go. You don’t want to do this.”

“You’re not stronger than me.”

“But I am more experienced and I can kill you.”

“You think I’m really scared of you? I’m not.”

“You should be,” I nearly growled at him. I’ve never growled at him before.

“Did you just growl at me,” he asked in the same tone I just spoke in.

“And if I did?” He didn’t answer. He just stood up in front of me, his face close to mine. “Well?”

He crashed his lips to mine, moving his hands onto my hips and squeezing them tightly. I didn’t protest. I actually liked what was happening even though I didn’t want anything to go further. He thought otherwise.

He pushed me down on the bed, hovering over me. “Don’t you ever growl at me like that again.”

“You don’t own me.” This was something new. It wasn’t like the fight I had with Drake even though that fight was worse. This fight had so much sexual tension that it made it an enjoyable fight. I knew how to get him round up. I knew just what I wanted to do with him.

I sat up, still on the bed but I was on my knees now. I turned to the bedroom door and locked it with my mind, hearing the lock click as I did so. He turned his head to the door and then back at me. “You won’t win.”

“Try me.” He charged at me and I instantly dodged. He might be a fast runner but I’m better at defense than him. Before he knew it, I was on his back, ripping his shirt and lightly biting his shoulder.

“Shit,” he mumbled as I bit him. I threw his shirt to the side and got up on my feet, getting into a fighting stance. He wanted to play? I can play harder. He turned around, his eyes glowing in the dark September night that shown through my curtains.

A playful smile was painted on my lips. “Well? I’m right here.” A low grumble came from behind me. “What the-“ I turned around which was the wrong thing to do since he grabbed me and threw me back on the bed. “How did you-“

“It’s all in the magic,” he said hovering over me. I actually felt fear in me, but I wasn’t going to let him win. He went down to my neck and started biting really hard but not enough to break skin. I sucked in a huge amount of breath. I felt him smile on my neck as he ripped my shirt off and threw it to where his was.

I pushed him off of me and he surprisingly moved. He cocked his head to the side. “Not today Horan. Our ten minutes are up.” I walked over to my closet reaching for a shirt but not before he dragged me back out.

“No,” he growled in my ear.

“Lilly, Niall, come on we’re waiting for you,” I heard Liam say as he knocked on the door.

“Just bust it open,” Louis said, his voice muffled behind the door.

I turned around to look at Niall as I motioned to the door. He rolled his eyes and grabbed the shirt out of my hands, putting it on me. I unlocked the door. “We’re coming.”

“I told you guys 10 minutes. I thought that was enough,” Lou said rolling his eyes with a smile on his face.

“In your dreams Tommo.”

“If only you knew.”

“Guys,” Liam whined. “I want to get to the movie. And you know Zayn will eat most of the pizza.”

“Over my dead body.” Niall ran out of the room so fast that he was such a blur. The look on Liam and Louis’s faces were priceless.

“Even though he doesn’t need to eat, he still does.” I walked right past them going down the stairs to watch the movie with the rest of the lads minus Harry.

Niall POV

The movie didn't really faise me. We were watching yet another scary movie that i found scary but i didn't want Lilly to know that. I was supposed to be the one to hold her when we watched things like this. I had to try to keep myself from diving onto her lap and hiding my face behind her hair. The door bursted open and i instantly screamed. 

"Calm down, Niall," Harry said while laughing. "It's only me."

"Where's Mel," Lilly asked as she popped another piece of popcorn into her perfect mouth. I was so not done with her yet.

"I took her home before her mother could chew her out."

"Did you kiss her?" Her accent was perfect. Not anything like i've ever heard before. It was like old English and it rolled off her perfectly shaped tongue.

"I don't kiss on the first date." He sat down on the couch next to Louis who paused the movie. 

"Well did she kiss you?"

He wiggled his eyebrows. "Full of questions are we? What, am i hearing some jealously?" I chucked my pillow at his head. "Okay!" He hugged the pillow as he continued. "She kissed me on the cheek and asked for another date tomorrow."

"Aren't you guys leaving soon?"

I tensed at her side. I didn't want to leave her to defend herself. "We leave in two days," i whispered.

"Two days?! I thought you were leaving next week!"

"They're making us leave early so we can practice. It's not our-"

"I don't want to hear it." She stormed out of the house. That was the fastest i've ever seen her run. I slumped in my seat.

"Let her cool off some, yeah," Liam said as he came and sat next to me where Lilly just was. I simply nodded. 

There was a knock at the door after awhile. I knew it wasn't Lilly because she wouldn't just knock. She would just walk right in. Everyone else was in the backyard by the pool. I got up and walked slowly to the door. Something didn't feel right. I slowly turned the knob and opened the door. I was not expecting to see them.

"Hello Niall."

My Immortal (A Niall Horan/One Direction Story) {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now