Chapter 32

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||Word Count: 1395||

Sofia's POV

"No, I don't know where he is" I answered, my forehead creasing as I suddenly sat up in my bed.

I was currently on the phone with Jimin. He called me up to ask me if I was still with Taehyung since he still hasn't come home to his and Jimin's shared apartment (since he moved in ever since Jimin's aunt moved out with her partner)

"Really? I thought you guys would still be together. I mean, Taehyung doesn't really go anywhere after you two part ways" Jimin answered, making me more worried as seconds went by.

Yes I was mad at him, but that didn't mean I cared for him any less. I still loved him, and I will always love him, no matter how idiotic he can be.

"Well, have you tried calling him?" I asked, putting on my slippers as I stood up, beginning to pace around in my room, a nervous habit of mine.

"Yeah but he wouldn't pick up, which made me believe you guys were still together. Why aren't you together anyway?" Jimin asked, reminding me of the fight just about an hour ago.

"We kinda got into a fight. A big one, that's why I really don't know where he is but I'm gonna help you in finding him" I replied, determination cursing in me which made me blur out the voices inside my head which were shouting all of the reasons why it was a stupid plan to go through with.

You really think your parents are gonna let you go out at this time? On a school night?

It argued, making me slump my shoulders in defeat before an idea popped into my head.

"Are you sure? How are you even gonna be able to get out of the house at this time?" Jimin asked, uncertainly clear in his voice.

"I can think of something. I'll just meet you somewhere then we can start to look for him" I replied, putting on my shoes and jacket as I waited for Jimin's response.

"You really care for him, don't you?" he asked, making me abruptly stop my actions before a sarcastic smile made it's way to my face followed by a light, airy laugh.

"Unfortunately so" I said before continuing to tie up my laces. "So where should I meet you?" I asked, standing up.

"How about that coffee shop you two always go to after school?" Jimin suggested as he started to move around I assumed based on the background noises.

"That sounds good. I'll be there in maybe 20-30 minutes. I just gotta drop by somewhere first" I said, hearing an 'okay' as a response before I put the phone down.

I quickly dialed someone else's number once Jimin and I ended our call.

"Hello?" Josh said from the other reciever.

"Yeah hey Josh, um can I ask a favor?" I asked, biting my lip anxiously.

"Yeah sure, what is it?"

"Can you please come with me? Jimin, Taehyung's friend called me just now and told me that Taehyung still hasn't come home and we're getting worried, especially since we had a big fight just an hour ago" I explained, hearing silence at the end for a short while.

"Uh sure I can go with you. Will you be picking me up here?" Josh asked, shuffling at the other side.

"Yeah, I'll be there in 10 minutes" I said before we exchanged our goodbyes and hung up.

I quickly went out of my room and went towards my parents' to see that mom was sitting on the bed while dad was probably still at his office since he wasn't here.

"Mom, I just need to head over to Josh's place real quick. We just have to discuss a few things" I said, making her look at me, raising an eyebrow.

"What kind of things?" She asked, looking at me skeptically since I wasn't one to go out at this time of night.

"Just stuff about the wedding. He said Mrs. David was bugging him to complete some other designs and themes for the wedding and he asked me to come over an help him with it" I replied, surprised at how well I lied in front of my mom.

Desperate times call desperate measures I guess

"Okay, just be sure to be home by 10" she said, making me nod before I quickly went out of their room and made my way downstairs.

I hurriedly took the keys from the rack near the door before I made my way towards it, getting inside and turning on the engine. Once I was out of the driveway I drove towards Josh's house, my mind filled with nothing but worry for Taehyung.


Once I got there, I rang the doorbell and told one of their maids that I was here for Josh, making her lead me towards the living room where he was waiting.

"You got some explaining to do while we look for him" was the first and only thing he said before I grabbed his arm and basically dragged him back to the car, wanting nothing more than to just find Taehyung and make sure he was alright.

Once we got back to the car, Josh offered to drive and I let him, after telling him the directions to the coffee shop.

"Okay, so why did you two fight?" Josh asked, glancing at me from time to time.

And once again I explained everything to him. From the time when Ms. Smith called me out on my performance up until all the name calling and hurtful words that were exchanged at the very same coffee shop we were heading at now.

"Do you really believe that?" Josh asked, turning to look at me fully once we were at a stop light. "You know, about Taehyung being a distraction and stuff" he continued, making me look down at my lap in thought.

"I honestly don't know. I was just so stressed and it wasn't helping me at that time and I guess I just blew and took it out on him, which also caused him to do the same to me" I replied, looking at him to see him start to drive once again.

"You'll work it out. This is your first real fight after officially being together right?" He asked making me nod. "Then it's just normal for you to feel extremely dejected. I mean, it is a fight, and you two aren't used to that as a couple. But I know you guys'll figure something out and work things through" Josh encouraged, giving me an encouraging smile which I mirrored.

"But first, we have to find him and make sure he's okay" I said, facing the road once again, seeing that we were near the coffee shop.

"He's probably drunk somewhere because of the fight. We should go look for him at near by bars once we pick up this friend of his" Josh suggested to which I only nodded at. My thought were slowly starting to feel with images of a drunk and wasted Taehyung, and trust me it was not a good sight to see. Not to mention it just made me more worried.

"I just really hope he's okay" I whispered, looking outside my mirror.

"You really care for him, don't you?" Josh asked, giving me a sense of deja vu with his question as it was the same question Jimin asked over the phone before we hung up.

"Unfortunately so" I replied once again, giving him a tight lipped smile to which he just nodded at, a small smile making it's way to his lips.

I really care for him a lot, huh?

I laughed lightly, shaking in my head before an ironic thought popped up in my head once again.

Well so much for trying to stay mad at him, I guess


Okay I'm literally starting to write endings that suck more and more per chapter so I'm really really sorry again that this was kind of rushed but I promise I'll make it up to you guys in the next chapter.

Also, I decided to add the part where they looked for Taehyung in the next chapter so I hope you guys wait for that and support it!

Anyway, ILYGSM!💕


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