Scene 14 - Number 6 VS Number 2

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Number 6 is still alive? He begins making consciousness once again. Rising up as his eyes adjust to the now slightly dimmer lights of the control room. He ponders what just happened and how he is still alive.

Number 2:

Don't get up, Number 6. You've been through a lot.

The same Number 2 is sat in the seat, in the exact same position as before, staring hard at Number 6.

Allow me to explain, darling.

Number 6:

I should be dead, shouldn't I?

Number 2:

On the contrary, you are as well as you normally are. Just take a look at your arm.

He looks down, surprised. The last thing he remembers is being shot and then falling down.

It was only a tranquilizer dart. And for the other shot. You did well to cope with two in your bloodstream. It would easily have made any man faint.

Number 6:

Not mine.

Number 2:

You Number 6 are a most special case.

Number 6:

I remember. I was on my way to kill you. And I will do just that.

He rises in anger.

Number 2:

Sit down, Number 6! You are more than lucky to be alive right now.

The Prisoner smiles delightfully, as though he is beginning to flirt with the attractive mastermind.

Number 6:

I do that sort of thing on a daily basis. Today was only a little more intense.

Number 2:

You shouldn't get too angry though darling. The effects of the tranquillizers might not have worn off yet. It could easily raise blood pressure.

Number 6:

You know, that's the fascinating thing about you Number 2. One moment we are the best of friends of the Village, next we are intent on our total destructions.

Number 2 repositions herself, to adopt a more feminine approach to him, gazing into his eyes.

Number 2:

That's the most exciting part.

They are still flirting.

Number 6:

And now, you're trying to trap me into your spider's web with elegance and beauty, so you can dispose of me once and for all.

Number 2:

That is the one thing no man can resist. And neither can you, Number 6?

Number 6:

Your looks don't fool me.

Number 2:

Only the toughest animals survive in the wild Number 6. I either kill or be killed.

Number 6:

And you kill by the kiss of death.

Number 2:

Correct my darling.

Number 6:

I have no time for flirtatious small talk now. Tell me, what happened?

Number 2:

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