Scene 13 - Running and running and running

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Number 2:

I am going to see to your own personal destruction.

Number 6 pulls the boat up towards the end of the long stretch of the shining beach he approaches. Suddenly realizing, he turns the boat back around and heads back out – away from the Village, beginning to head away and away and away.

Number 6:

Why didn't I think about it before? Just head out, and out, and out.

There is another radio attached to the craft, which is Number 2.

Number 2:

You can't get out that way, Number 6. Shall I show you?

One of the missiles is launched out of the water, rocketing out. Narrowly missing out on Number 6, as the water gushes out and splashing the boat. The missile accelerates into the distance. Seconds later, the same missile flies directly past Number 6 suddenly. The missile was going to go around and around the Village, like the island was on a map of its own. Somewhere isolated in the world. 

You'll be going around forever. With the new Number 2 darling, it's just you and me.

The missile flies around again, approximately a mile ahead of Number 6, before KABOOM! It explodes like a bomb, exerting a huge gush of water and waves rising and gushing. The Prisoner does his best to control the speedboat, with the water being thrown on top of him and his boat. Recovering, he stands tall back up toughly.

Number 6:

Ok Number 2, it's either going to be you – or me!

Number 2 has heard all this on the radio.

Number 2:

What! You are only just a number.

Number 6:

I am not a number – I am a person.

Number 2:

Then come and face me then – Number 6.

She laughs at it, gathering pitch and tone. Louder, and louder, and louder. To the point, where the radio breaks and is destroyed. Spinning back around, he charges back towards the Village. Determined, dangerous, and provoked – Number 6 was going to kill Number 2! The monitor shows Number 6 in the boat at the main control centre of the Village. Number 2 stares facing into it, facing deep into the screen. With the eyes of a dominating cat, her legs are crossed once again, showing her determination and mental strength. Helicopters begin to circle off from the island, heading directly to the boat. Zooming over the head of Number 6.

The speedboat pulls up, The Prisoner jumps out, he begins to charge. Somehow, the sand leaves no footprints. Number 6 only knows this when he stares down at more bullets firing, narrowly missing his legs as he once again swerves out of the way. Stopping for a moment, he realizes this. Number 2 is still communicating with him, somehow...

You're a dead man 6! Your footprints aren't there, because you are dead.

He takes off again. BANG BANG RICOCHET! The bullets narrowly miss Number 6 again. He keeps running to the point where he stands in the middle of what feels like a desert, which the powerfully, burning sun beamed upon, weakening all his strength.

Number 6:

Why don't you just finish me off now!

Number 2:

Don't give up that easily, darling. You can do better than that. Number 6 – you are nothing more than a number!

Number 6:


He yells this, screaming up into the sun again. She yells and giggles and laughs – as she knows she has won!

Number 2:

Face me, Number 6. FACE ME! I want to see you die at my feet. Screaming your last breath of air and begging for mercy.

Number 6:

Then do it! My information is obviously no use to you.

Number 2:

INFORMATION! INFORMATION! INFORMATION! By hook, or by crook, we will! We will have your information. Go now Number 6, just run! RUN! RUN!

Number 6:

Time to die then, Number 2.

He sets off again.

Number 2:

Be seeing you!

Number 6, is now a desperate man. More assassins stand around the perimeter, alongside the cliffs. Firing, but missing by a fraction. The Prisoner is a tough target! Number 2 smiles on the monitor – she knows that Number 6 can't escape.

Number 2:

I hate to kill you like this darling, but this is only the beginning.

Number 6 so far makes it back to the Village itself. The buildings are now protecting him. The assassins charge like hungry dogs, bolting with their guns, screaming at each other to hunt. One fires up into the air – like a cry of the wolves – intensifying their hunt.

Why can't they catch him!

The one thing is left on Number's mind – survival. He must destroy Number 2 to live now – be or be killed. Number 6 is beginning to tire, sweating buckets. Panting heavily, he knows he must keep going or die. The swarm are catching up, yelling and screaming as they begin to close in. Number 6 is heading towards the main control centre, so the pack follow. There is a long stretch, that Number is trotting along at this point. BANG! He has been shot in the arm! One of the assassins has shot him, as a result of this vast stretch of a Roman-like road. Number 6 fights off the agonizing pain, as blood runs down his arm. It drips onto the ground. Fortunately, the entrance to the place of the control room, the room that The Prisoner entered at the start to first encounter Number 2. Now with his life at stake – he immediately takes this opportunity. Staggering over with all his weak strength, he finally makes it. The trail of blood is left. The same assassin calls out to his comrades. Noticing the trailing blood, he stares up to Number 6, who is now entering through the passage. BANG! He is shot in the back! Number 6 was dying...

The Prisoner, now down to his last legs, wobbles like a drunk man dying into the control room. The door closes. The Butler stands and witnesses the dying Number 6. His vision goes blurry – he can hardly make anything out now. He just about makes it down the ramp. The chair in the centre faces away, steadily rotating as Number 2 shows herself – still in her pose with her relaxed, crossed legs. Number 6 can barely cope now. He drops down – in front of the feet of Number 2. Dead?

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