Celebrity Ally

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Ariana Grande sucks as an LGBT ally, so I'm here for you to consider: Dan Reynolds. 

If you don't know who he is, Dan Reynolds is the lead singer and frontman for Imagine Dragons. 

I love Imagine Dragons and Dan, and here are a few reasons why Dan is the best celebrity ally we have: 

1. He advocates for LGBT rights around the world, including during a concert in Russia, where it's illegal to even associate with LGBT.  

2. He used an acceptance speech to advocate against conversion therapy. 

3. He founded LOVELOUD, which is a music festival meant to help LGBT youth and their families. LOVELOUD gives grants to many LGBT organizations such as GLAAD, GLSEN, and the Trevor Project. 
LOVELOUD is taking place in Salt Lake City this year. I would definitely go if I had the money. 

4. As a Mormon, Dan is helping to build the bridge between LGBT and the Mormon faith. One of the organizations that LOVELOUD donates to is called Mormons Building Bridges. 

5. Just the fact that Dan uses his fame and wealth for good is enough to like him.

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