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Thank you for over 8k reads on here loves, and for all of you adding it and voting on this book. It's means the world to me, really, and I still can't believe it. Each one of you is so important to me, and I'm sorry for leaving you waiting with this update.

I have finally-officially-finished all of my studies, is updated will be much more consistent! I hope this is good news to you all, and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

I have finally-officially-finished all of my studies, is updated will be much more consistent! I hope this is good news to you all, and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

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Song: New York, Ed Sheeran

Zanthus' POV

Angel and I didn't talk much after Monday. It was a bit odd, at first, trying to come to terms with a new form of communication between the two of us that didn't consist of actually talking, much contradicting to traditional ways of communication and a bit complicated to accommodate to of course.

Monday was brilliant. Monday was tragic. Monday was brilliant because I got to hug Angel, I got to hold my Angel in my arms as close as I'd like for as long as I'd like. Something I had been dreaming about doing since I was an awkward, lanky twelve-year-old lad who could barely manage himself on his own feet whenever I saw her face.

Not that six years has given me much of an advantage on how to handle myself around her.

Monday was brilliant. Monday was tragic, Monday was tragic because it sunk in just how much I've cocked up my chances with Angel. I was in such high graces after our embrace, it was a proper punch in the gut when I heard her offer amends through the settling of a friendship between us.


She wanted to be friends, she wants to be friends and no matter how much I'd like to scream from the top of the hills just how much I repent the idea of us being classified as friends, I'm not fit to do such a thing. I've got to accept her decision, and I've got to do so with profound character.

So I did just that.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, consisted of me swallowing my pride and my strangling emotions and being 'friends' with Angel. Undeniably, it hasn't been pleasant, is what necessary.

Who am I to deny Angel of her wishes?

Angel. My Angel.

Monday. I did my best to keep a convincing smile upon my face the entirety of the day, and I'm pretty sure it did its job to my good news. No matter how ecstatic I was over the hug I had shared with her in the morning, the word, 'friend's seeping from Angels' mouth didn't leave my head once.

After school had come to end I was bidding her goodbye on her porch, let's start with. Sum of it all, I drew near to kissing her cheek. That would have likely been disastrous, and I realized this soon enough to correct myself. Rest assured I listened to 'It's Gonna Be Lonely' by Prince on repeat while driving the stretch from her house to my own.

Tuesday. I picked her up for college again, having text to ask the night prior if it were alright. The car ride over was rather tense, to say the least, comfortable silence is far overrated. Angel must've initiated conversations with me over the day around sixteen times, apologizing profusely each time of course when she recalled the new arrangement we had agreed on but were yet to take initiative on progressing.

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