Wild Thoughts

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He wanted to touch her. Taste her. Feel her. He knew she was different from all the rest of the roster but he wasn't sure how far to press. He needed to press though because if he didn't, he'd go insane. It was how he was wired.

"Maybe she's different." He twitched his head slightly. Aye sometimes you just feel things. She felt.......different like home. He needed different. The same old things got him in hot water and he was tired, NO. THEY WERE TIRED of everyone side eyeing him. He needed a little something different. Maybe....something with flavor. She looked like she knew what she was doing anyway. But she looked so young.

I like em younger than me though. That was the pesky whore of the voices. They all took turns being annoying but this voice. This voice was on his last nerve because all it wanted was her. In every way she could be had. Mox wondered if she tasted like warm chocolate since she looked the part. He wondered how that fro would feel against his skin. He decided that it would feel soft. So soft. Like the softest petal while her skin would retain the heat from the sun.

He felt like a weird, poetic jackass.

Wondering backstage, he decided to stretch before she got back. Had to keep limber and alert. He rolled his neck again, stretched his fingers and got ready. He stretched his quads; didn't want to tear those sliding into a ring like the old man.

"Her name's Mix. She's pretty cool." Oh, look: an annoyance. He was a scrawny kid, dressed like he was too cool for school in a weird tribute to Orange Cassidy. He liked Joey Janela better.

"That's not her real name. Her real name is-"

"YOU DON'T HAVE PERMISSION TO SAY HER NAME!" well, the little runt had lungs. He also had a huge crush on Jon's soul. Jon wasn't going to have that. Oh no, the runt would have to go.

"Kid, I can call her whatever I want. She's mine." The finality in his tone made the runt narrow his eyes.

"She's my sister, you dumb fuck." Well, that's awkward. That's not how to win over the in-laws. He decided to mumble an, "I'm sorry", and get silent. It worked when he had the hair. Maybe it could work now?

"You should just be quiet all the time. You don't look so dusty." The kid was tall and bronzed skinned with a low cut drop shag. He didn't look related to Mix but who knew. Mox did know that the kid was irking what little nerves he had left for humans.

"Bye." Mox walked away. He needed silence to focus if he wasn't going to kill anyone and he rather thought that Mix wouldn't want him killing anyone. Even though, what she thought shouldn't matter too much right now.

It did though.

He really just wanted to hold her and let her snuggle up to him. She looked like a snuggler and he wanted that normalcy. He never wanted normalcy before but now he did and he deserved that. He had gotten crap storylines, he knew that everything was his fault according to his "ex" but he just wanted peace and normalcy and he just......he wanted to Mix. She just seemed right. 

AN: hopefully I can do longer chapters soon!

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