Getting Old

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Mix was over the bullshit. Brandi hadn't told her why she was with Mox just that she was and she was really in need of some her time. Lately, Cody had had her and Mox room together and she was not that type of girl: he had to at least give her a good match up before he heard her masturbating. But having to sleep in the same room as the guy she wanted to fuck until he cried and not having a release was wearing on her. She really just wanted to smack someone with a chair. Or fuck him her annoying inner voice said.


"Brandi, what is going on? I need some type away from him. I need peace!" This wasn't Mix anymore; this was Zuly. Zuly, the introvert who needed some time and quiet. She had been around the quirky, quick moving man who was silent until the oddest times. Jon only spoke when Mix was close to assuming he was asleep and begin her self loving. It had been 2 weeks and she had to do something. Her restless energy was making her go insane and she couldn't let Moxley get the best of her and keep her from actually getting grounded again. He wanted to invade her peace. Brandi had to make him stop.

"I ca....he has to stay with you." Brandi's eyes were moving like she was a typewriter: fast as hell. She was lying.

"Why?" Zuly stepped closer to her cousin, ready to punch her or her husband. Either one, a Rhodes was getting punched in the fucking face.

"You're part of his contract." Brandi let out a loud sigh. "You're fucking part of his contract because he's fascinated with you and Cody wants to keep him here for the long haul. The company is just starting and he wants to make it a success. Mox saw you. He wants you."

Zuly laughed. Hard. For about 10 minutes, she laughed so hard she had tears coming down her face. This fucker really thought she was for sale? Or bartering. Either way, these fucking, ridiculous, absolutely incredibly OUTOFTHEIREVERLIVINGMINDS MALES.

"No." She shook her head. "Nah. Nope. Not gonna happen. I'm not about to be some sideshow deal to get some dude to sign on the dotted line." She wiped her face and shook her head at her cousin, getting ready for The Color Purple curse.

"I will not lose my dignity for some man to sign a contract. I will not be some pussy to get him in the door. What's he getting? A millon and my vagina? That's a...I don't even have words for that lisp having, bunny rabbit on coke looking, Purge looking dumbass you married! I'm done with this. I deserve better than to be a company ho for someone to sign on the dotted line. I won't do that. I'm not his mammy." How she managed to be so calm and even-kneeled, she would never know. As much as she loved AEW, she was not gonna put herself in that uncomfortable position to make someone feel comfortable. She'd rather be indy forever than be linked to Jon. He seemed decent enough but she didn't want any part of her career linked to him.

"You can't. I told Cody to break that clause in the contract or I'd help you kill him. The way it's written, the only way you can break the contract is to get a divorce." Brandi wasn't making sense.

"We're not married."

"Your contracts are. It's sorta like Cody and I's deal: our standings in the company depend on each other. We have to work together or we both lose. A lot of wrestling couples do it to make it so neither suffer if they break up."

"We. Are. Not. A. Couple."

"That's not what he told the lawyer. That one believed him and made it so your contracts depend on each other. While you're going to be a future big thing, you're not now. Jon is. If we lose him in the first 3 years, we lose everything. I can't do that Mix. We're so close. There's so many people in this." Brandi pleaded with her cousin. "We can make it so you can have your freedom but we need you to stay in the contract. Or..."

"Or what?" Mix snapped at her cousin. She was so over this bull right now. She just wanted to hit something or yell or something other than what she was doing.

"Or they'll sue you for breach of contract and you'd be done. There's enough money to keep you down for years and the Mix character is who we signed. Anything that resembles it is ours." Brandi wasn't her cousin at this moment. This was the businesswoman and Zuly hated her.

"It's okay girl. Eventually, I'll get out of this. Then I'm coming for all of ya'll."  

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