Mexico x America

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A/n: I am sorry if there are any mistakes or some other stupid stuff, I'm just very tired. This chapter is not just cuddles, beware.

×Warning: this contains a triggering and possibly sad topic, strong language and some racism.


This chapter contains smut/lemon which involves sexual activity. If you are uncomfortable reading such things, please don't progress beyond this point!

You have been warned!

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„Oi! Watch where you're going!” a sudden enraged shout scratched the calm atmosphere of a wonderfully bright mid-afternoon.

„Huh?-- No, you should watch where you're going,” another voice rung out, at first seemed to be hinting surprise in its tone, but swiftly trailing off with bitterness. „And why are you shouting at me? Don't you rats usually eat off of the ground?” the mysterious loudmouth added, the nasty remark slipping off of their tongue in a churlish manner.

„¿Qué-- w-what did you just say?” the latter answered back, for a moment complete bewilderment and a hint of ire tainting their tone.

„Nevermind, there's no point in spelling it out for someone like you to understand,” the coarse fellow snickered, ditching the uncomfortable conversation. „Damn Mexicans--”

If it weren't for an abrupt slap on the importunate discriminator's noggin, the not so appreciated words of a racist comment would've incited something more than a rude chit chat between a local and a snotty neighbour.

Another presence intertwined between the two bodies, settling down the heated tension. The affable saviour got a hold of the blusterer and began retreating from the unpleasant scene the latter had caused for both of them, not forgetting to apologise innumerable times to the unfortunate fellow for the received rudeness and making him drop his quesadilla. Now, a good distance separated the two polemicists and the witnesses.

„What were you thinking, eh?! Why do you always have to cause a kerfuffle when we go together somewhere!” a male shouted at his older sibling not even sounding that mad, just incredibly disappointed.

„Pft, it was his fault anyway--” the older man opened his mouth to defend himself, rubbing his head where his brother had slapped him as it still stung a bit.

„No, it was not! Brother, don't disrespect people like that, especially in their own homeland, we are the guests here!” the younger of the two was desperate for his brother's understanding.

„Whatever, it's not my fault someone doesn't look where the hell they're going,” was all the other said, rolling his eyes under the camouflage of his shades. „I never asked to be here anyway...” he let out a whisper which came unnoticed.

. . .

And how did this situation came about? Well...

September had been stalking the last days of summer with a chilly touch on everyone's cheeks and noses, encouraging to prepare your scarves and gloves. But there were still a couple of bright days lingering for a final farewell as autumn finally arrived. Canada was very keen on the fact and had scheduled a meetup with Mexico as both North American countries had spare time, of course, he invited his brother too, in hopes that the supposed frenemies will improve their relations. At first, the American posed to be a difficult nut to crack, but no one can resist the sweet charm of the Canadian country.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2019 ⏰

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