Russia x America

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A/n: Greetings! Glad to see you here again, and with that here's another request! This one wasn't requested by any user from this Internet platform but from one of my close friends instead! Being a multifandom fanatic like myself, she asked for a short story in which I had to hit her with that gay shi-
Originally I was not planning on posting this here but since it's CountryHumans, why not? I hope you'll like it!

× Warning: contains strong language, a bit of violence.

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It was such a scorching hot day, most people would hide in the cool shadows of their homes, enjoying ice cream and watching silly movies with friends. Even the colossal cities of the mighty USA were almost deserted, no one in sight could have been seen.

Man, the heatwaves this year were really abusing America's patience to not run off to Alaska or hide in a freezer. Unfortunately, he had to sit throughout this torture and slowly prepare himself for another World meeting to discuss the latest news and revolutionary ideas with other countries.

Blankly staring at the ceiling while holding an empty ice cream bucket with a spoon inside, America was not bothered at all about the meeting he had to attend soon. Burping loudly, he sat up and placed the bucket on a coffee table, and as quickly as he rose up, America hastily slumped down into the soft pillows once again. Being a lazy man he would be laying there the whole day, but sadly for him, America's brother, Canada, promised to spend a few weeks at his place, so no missing out for him.

A few seconds had passed and soon a pair of quiet footsteps echoed through the house. Sluggishly looking up, America saw Canada walking down with the sixth portion of ice cream in his hand.

„Oi, America! Do you by any chance have another one of these?” Canada shouted for his brother to hear and pointed at the finished ice cream packet in his palm.

„Dude, you already had like six of them. Do I look rich to you or something?” America growled into the pillows, irritated for not being left alone to slip into slumber.

„Well, technically--” Canada started.

„Oh shut it, bro,” America muttered, getting even more annoyed by the fact that he had set himself up.

Canada chucked at his brother, playfully rolling his eyes and throwing away the packet into the garbage bin. After that, he calmly walked into the living room and sat down on a couch next to his brother.

„Hey, you lazy couch potato, get up because we'll have to prepare and dress up for the meeting, remember?” Canada pointed out, gently patting America's back.

„Mhm, thanks for reminding me, mom,” America retorted sarcastically.

„Watch your tongue, you burger addict. If it weren't for me you'd be already rotting from the heat because I was the one who had the courage to walk outside and purchase the ice cream,” Canada smirked, crossing his arms behind his neck, getting comfortable.

„Well, if it weren't for me you'd be lost in those woods we visited two months ago,” America raised his head up and stuck out his tongue, grinning at his sibling.

„Shush it, you overreactive swine,” Canada clicked his tongue and sighed, remembering how embarrassing it was for him.

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