Russia x Finland

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A/n: And I'm back with another lovely request, thank you lots! This is a ship I rarely spot in the CH community, so this was very interesting and exciting to write. Before you go on to the chapter, I want to apologise for my inactivity which is due to the fact that I'm drowning in stress and school work. All right, without further ado, dive in!

×Warning: alcohol and strong language.


This chapter contains smut/lemon which involves sexual activity. If you are uncomfortable reading such things, please don't progress beyond this point!

You have been warned!

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It was almost midnight in the city of Lappeenranta. A lovely municipality it was, even at night. The Finnish people who live there were enjoying themselves -- some partying, others strolling around some landmarks or enjoying the natural environment and, of course, most soundly sleeping.

The centre though was bursting with liveliness as the nightlife took over. And there, in the crowd of people, a tall man was making his way through to reach a certain building. Passengers, who were close to him, backed away, whereas they had been intimidated by the male's cold piercing gaze. It was something about him and the insouciant expression of his that made others get chills down their spines.

Taking big steps forward, the man was almost there. Towering over most of the throng, he glanced up and smirked to himself, he had reached it, and oh boy it was going to be a long night ahead. Without any apprehension, the male entered inside. Just as he stepped in, a strong odour of alcohol had hit his nostrils. There were quite a bunch of people already getting inebriated and intoxicated by alcoholic beverages.

The male sat down at the bar, ordering a drink. While waiting for the requested booze, he examined the interior even if it was known so well by the nonchalant man. A mixture of a few distinct languages was roaming the dense atmosphere and echoing in the male's ears, making him narrow his eyes in annoyance and pull his hat down even more than it was before.

It didn't take too long for the order to be served, so he began consuming the substance while those frosty eyes of his were searching for something worthy to look at for amusement. To be honest, Finland had been tired out by his neighbours, the nonsense the EU was spewing out at him, global warming issues and much more. What better way was to deal with the problems, which were pressuring the enervated Finn, than drowning them in alcohol, at least, Finland thought it would ease his situation.

The Finnish man continued his stress relief plan until he felt a pair of two delicate arms envelop his left one. Turning his head to inspect what or who was bothering him, Finland found an unfamiliar woman grinding herself into his side. Finn's icy facial expression didn't change an inch but the internal conflict to shove this disgusting female off of him or to kill her without mercy was making him ponder for a few moments.

As he finally came back to reality with a decision to not murder this woman, Finland caught her trying to climb on top of his lap. At that point, Finn's instincts immediately kicked in, and with a swift motion, he elbowed the woman's stomach also kicking her away with one of his legs. The aforementioned stranger stumbled backwards while shouting out cuss words and seconds later colliding with the floor.

Everyone in the building drew their attention to the female who was clenching her abdomen in pain and rolling on the ground like a pig. Most of the people engulfed in laughter, others rolled their eyes, snickering quietly, and a final bunch of who else was there glared with judgemental eyes. On the other hand, Finland's eyes pierced through that woman as if she was the filthiest being he had laid them on. All he wanted to do is to escape from his troubles and not to encounter new ones.

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