Russia x Female!Reader

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A/n: I am beyond thankful for your request! I have put a lot of effort, so this would at least satisfy you a bit, dear readers! UwU
Now, prepare for some fluff!

×Keep in mind:

Y/n - your name
H/c - hair colour
E/c - eye colour

×Warning: a bit of violence involved.

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Moscow has been one of the most visited tourist attractions in Russia. The outstanding buildings and structures, which were built decades ago, have been drawing a lot of curious eyes to them. Like, who wouldn't want to visit the capital of the largest country in the world? Widening your geographical and cultural understanding is always important and a lot of fun to do!

You thought so too, and without any more delaying booked a plane ticket to visit this wondrous municipality. The flight was quite lengthy but definitely worth the time. As soon as the plane landed and the flight attendants announced that it is allowed to exit the plane, you held back no longer and with swift moves rushed out of the large aircraft.

It took a few hours of blindly wandering around the place to find the hotel you were supposed to spend the week in. After accomplishing that task you were quick to change your clothes and grab the camera you owned for a short tour around the city. The excitement to explore gleamed in your eyes and a massive smile was plastered on your face.

Pacing on a considerably big street, you snapped a few pictures here and there, came to a stop and stared at a fascinating monument, and grew a bit tired because the place was gigantic. Pondering about what could keep you going just for a little longer, you detected a coffee shop across the road.

„Ah, finally... I guess I'll fuel myself up with a cup of coffee or tea,” you sighed in relief, beginning to cross the road.

Blending in a crowd of people crossing the road, an abrupt sound of squeaking tires made everyone start frantically running or yelling with horror. A car had stopped right in front of you, maybe even inches away from your body. Its headlights shone straight into your eyes, making you cover them with your hands. As your brain finally processed what just happened, your legs started shaking from a sudden rush of adrenaline.

You slowly retreated from the car, body shivering from fear. The motorist had other plans and threatened to run you over by slowly making the car move forwards. At that moment you were completely panicking, the loud sound of the car's horn hitting your ears was not helping at all. A crowd of people was gathering around the scene before them, greatly bothered about the commotion.

You wish you could've run away, but your legs didn't budge because of your frightened state. The driver became overwhelmed by anger and harshly opened his car door slamming it shut afterwards. His menacing figure grew near you, and before you could even blink he was standing in front of you with an outraged expression. Feeling two rough hands on your throat, you looked at him yelling at you in what seemed to be Russian. His breath heavily reeked of alcohol which means he wasn't sober, and that made the situation even scarier for you.

In the corners of your e/c eyes, fearful tears began gathering, threatening to escape any second.

„I-I am... Re-eally s-sorry, sir...” with a shaky brittle voice you managed to squeak out.

The angered man didn't seem to understand you, so he yelled even louder, shaking you a bit. At this point you just wanted to disappear into nothingness, being almost killed and scared to death in a foreign country was not on your bucket list, this was a nightmare. The male was about to punch you with his fist raised up in the air, but the pain never came.

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