"I know mum." I drawled with a small smile.

She was about to say something when the sound of my phone interrupted her and I looked to see that it was my mum.

"Mum?" I said with a concerned voice as soon as she picked up the phone.

"Hey honey, where are you?" She asked and I heard her sniffle which only meant she had been crying.

"Mum what wrong? Is Dad okay? Where are you?" I asked all at once and my heart felt like it was going to come out from my chest.

"Your dad is fine but he's asked to see you."

"Where are you?" I screamed as I quickly got up, completely ignoring Cami and her questions.

"Calm down honey."

"Mum where are you?!"

"The hospital." She said and I hung up immediately and grabbed my keys, quickly making my way to the car as Cami followed me and I figured she already had an idea of what was happening.

"Slow down May! Are you trying to get us killed?!" My best friend cried with fear from beside me which caused me to take my leg away from the accelerator.

"He'll be fine."

"Don't make a promise you can't keep." I said without sparing her a glance and the rest of the journey was made in silence.

As soon as I got to the hospital, I jumped down from the car and ran like a wild lion was chasing me and was directed to the floor my dad was at in the hospital.

I ran into his room not sparing a glance at those in the waiting room to see my dad on the bed with tubes all over him and I had never seen him look so pale.

"Hey there." He said and cleared his throat.

"Dad." I whimpered as I moved closer to him and I felt a tear drop.

"Now now, don't cry honey. I'm not going anywhere." He said with a smile.

"Dad you know you can't leave me right now don't you? I need you more than ever. I got my fighting spirit from you so you can fight this dad, I know you can." I said and at this point I was full on crying.

"I'm never going to leave you. Even if I'm not here physically I'll be there in the spirit."

"I don't want you to be with me in the spirit. I want to be able to see you every time dad. I'm not ready to tell you goodbye dad please!" At this point I was shouting and crying.

"I don't have much time sweetheart but I need you to know that I'll always love you and I'm forever proud of you."

"Dad—" I whined as I felt him slowly close his eyes.

"Dad don't leave me! Dad please! Dad!" I said shaking him hardly but at this point he wasn't even moving or breathing.

"Daddy. I love you." I whispered helplessly but I knew he already gone.

I suddenly felt a pair of strong hands around my shoulders and didn't even think twice before burying my head into his shoulders and soon his scent wrapped me up.


"Come on now Hazel, let's go out, they have to cover him up." He said and led me out of the room to the waiting room where everyone was seated.

I guess I missed them when I was going in.

"Hey honey, are you okay?" My mum asked and all I could do was hug her as I cried harder.

When I was finally sober, I finally acknowledged the presence of everyone in the room and that was when I saw my brother and Cami.

I guess that's settled then.

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