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After being away from Emily for so long, Henry found himself being more robot than human. He always did what his foster parents wanted. He did the cleaning and the cooking. He barely got any sleep because of the many hours of labor he had to perform. When he would sleep, his dreams would always be filled with her. The kind woman that he had believed would want him to be with her. How wrong he was. 

One afternoon, when he had finished all of his chores, Henry found himself sluggishly making his way back to his small room. He laid down on the mattress that was set for him and was finally able to get a small amount of the sleep he had missed. 

"Henry," Emily's gentle voice sounded in his ears. His eyes opened and he was back at her apartment. The smell of cheese in the air. He looked beside him and saw Emily holding out a delicious grilled cheese for him to eat. She had a gentle look on her face. "You dork, you fell asleep again," she said with a light chuckle. He gazed up at her mesmerizing eyes. They were different from what he had been used to seeing. The held actual love. Without thinking, Henry wrapped his arms around the woman and held her close to him as he sobbed into her stomach. "Hey, what's wrong? Did you have a bad dream or something?" she asked him as she gently stroked his hair. Her gentle motions soothed him and calmed him down. When he looked back up at her she began to brush the remaining tears off his eyes. 

Henry's heart ached as he stared up at Emily. He did his best to gather the courage to ask the question that he had been holding in for a very long time. "C-Could you adopt me?" he stammered. Though they were only words, they meant the world to the orphan child. Ever since he had lost his mom and dad and he had been put into the foster system, he had been looking for the one person whom he could call family. After spending time with Emily, he knew where he belonged. His heart was racing as he stared at Emily. It felt like an eternity before she finally spoke up. Tears running down her cheeks she gave him a small smile and held him closer as if to protect him from the outside world. 

"Of course!" she exclaimed. The two cried together. Happiness filling the room. 

"Thank you! Thank you!" he cried. She gave him one more smile and a small kiss on the head. 

"Don't you ever forget that I love you, Henry. I will find you again someday," she whispered as she began to fade away. The sound of his foster parents yelling echoed throughout his room awaking him from the dream that he had. However, that dream made him feel more alive than ever and pushed him to move forward. I'll wait, he thought as he rolled off the mattress, I know we'll meet again...mom.


A/N: Hey guys! I think this went well? I don't know if I should have added more or kept it this way. Leave in the comments what you think and keep me posted if you have any ideas on what I could do. Other than that, I hope y'all have a great week and I'll see you in the next chapter :)

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