For a Moment

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Emily had gone to a park near her work for a small break. The office was beginning to become slightly claustrophobic to her and she felt the need to leave when she had the chance. As she sat down, an autumn breeze brushed past her causing her to shiver slightly. She hadn't given up on Henry. She pulled her scarf closer to her face to warm it up. The cold weather had gotten worse over the years and it was hard for her to stay outside in the chilly weather. 

As she sat in silence, she could just make out the form of a family coming in her direction. There was a man, woman, and two kids. The oldest was a boy with dark, brown hair. Emily sat up almost immediately before calming down a little. Their eyes were not the same. The boy standing several feet away from her had crystal blue eyes while Henry's were an emerald green. Embarrassed, Emily quickly stood up and began to walk away, her head down. 

For a moment, she felt like her world was brighter. But now that the moment was gone, she had to head back to her dull and gray life before the color would return again. 

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