The Call

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Emily had not been the same since Henry had gone away. She realized how dull her life was after a single change had happened. She wanted that change back. She wanted her apartment to be filled with the same air as it once had. She sighed as she grabbed her purse and headed off to work. The days went by slowly. When she had finished, she pulled out her phone and scrolled through several social media sites. Then, she saw her best friend smiling with a family of her own. 

Emily still remembered when Margret had gotten married. How excited she had been to be with the one that she loved dearly. At the time, Emily had been more focused on her studies than her social life. This meant she didn't have a large group of people that surrounded her in her everyday life. No one to talk or vent to. She was all alone. She had no one. 

The phone rang in her hands. Deep in her thoughts she had not realized that she had called Margret. Her friend's voice cracked on the other line. "Emily? Are you there?" she asked. Concern filled her friend's voice as there was no reply other than the sound of Emily trying to keep her sobs in. 

"I really need someone to talk to," Emily told her. Margret went silent for a moment. 

"Sorry, my kids were bothering me. What's wrong?" Margret asked. 

"Something happened. There was a boy, his name was Henry. I took care of him for a few days and now...he's gone."

"Gone? Did he run away?" 

"No," Emily replied as she sat down on her bed. Tears pricked her eyes as she held back her crying. She didn't know why she was so emotional right now. "The truth is, he ran away from the foster system. However, they came and took him away."

"It made you realize how lonely you really were, didn't it?" Margret asked. Emily sniffed and wiped her nose. The tears were already pouring out like waterfalls. "Oh, honey, I'm so sorry. I wish I could be there with you..." Margret's voice trailed off. Emily frowned thinking that her friend had hung up on her. 

"I'VE GOT IT!!!" Margret yelled on the other side of the line. Emily jumped from surprise and nearly fell off the bed. 

"Got what?" Emily asked as she regained balance. 

"You could adopt him!" Margret exclaimed. Emily sighed. She had already thought about adopting him, but she knew how hard it would be for her to take care of him since she was away for so many hours per week. Plus, she knew that he probably hated her. 

"You and I both know that it's impossible for that to happen. I work too many hours and he probably hates me," Emily said groaning. 

"But you need him as much as he needs you, right?" Margret asked. "All family have their disagreements, but they always forgive each other in the end. If you really feel that your life is empty without him around, then it's worth a shot to get him back." 

"I never said that my life was empty," Emily grumbled. She knew her friend was right, though. She missed Henry. Even though he had been with her for such a short amount of time, she felt she had made a connection with him. With that thought, Emily's determination to getting him back grew. "I have to go," Emily said. 

"Knock 'em dead, girl. When this is all over, be sure to introduce me to this 'Henry'. I want to welcome him into the family," Margret said playfully. Emily smiled and rolled her eyes. Her mood became cheerful again. 

"Alright, I'll call you again if I need any motherly advice," Emily teased. Margret laughed. 

"Sure, see ya soon," her friend replied before ending the call. 

Emily swung her legs over the side of the bed and walked to her desk. She entered in her password to the computer and began to search for social workers and how to get herself in the system. For hours she searched and searched. Finally, she found one that looked familiar to the woman that had taken Henry away that day. She clicked on the icon that held her information and sent the woman an email asking about how she could get into the system. 

Finally, her fight over Henry was beginning. 


Hey guys! It's been a while since I've added to this story-line. I hope you enjoyed! Also, it might be a while before I start writing again because of classes. :'( Anyways, I hope everyone has a great week!

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