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Two days had passed since Emily had seen the boy. As she was cooking lunch for herself, her phone began to ring. She didn't know the number, but answered anyways. "Hello?" she questioned. She waited for a few seconds before she heard someone cough on the other line. 

"Is this Emily Ash?" said the female's voice on the other line. 

"Yes, who is this?" she asked. There was no reply for a second before the person spoke again. 

"There is a boy here. He is very sick. He gave us a card for us to call you," the woman said. Emily's breath hitched. Her mind went wild as she tried to comprehend what to do. 

"Where are you?" Emily asked suddenly. The woman told her the address and Emily quickly typed it into her GPS. "Tell him I'll be there soon," she said to the woman. 

"Of course," the woman said. She ended the call and quickly ran out of her apartment. She got in her car and drove off in the direction of where the woman had called from. As she drove, she thought about how she should have made the boy come home with her that day. 

"This is all my fault," she mumbled. She finally arrived at the place and rushed to the door. She was let in and led to a room where he was lying on couch. Emily walked up to him and rested her hand on his forehead. He was burning up. She looked at the woman that had let him stay at her home. "What is his temperature?" Emily asked frantically.

"When I last checked he was at 101.5," the woman replied. Emily looked down at him. He was panting in his sleep. Emily rested her hand on his arm and thanked God that she was not too late. His eyes slowly flicked open. He stared at her with the same eyes she had seen the first day they had met. She smiled at him. 

"How are you feeling?" Emily asked. He groaned. She nodded. "I'll call a doctor, they'll help you." The boy watched her as she pulled out her phone. She quickly dialed her doctor's number and asked if he could come to her location. He agreed and was there in 30 minutes. While he was on his way, the boy's condition only got worse. When the doctor arrived, he gave the boy a check-up. The boy seemed uncomfortable and made sure that Emily was nearby in case anything happened. Even though he had just met her, he felt like she was the only person that he could really trust. 

"How is he?" Emily asked when the doctor was finished examining him. The doctor smiled at her reassuringly. He gave her a pat on the shoulder. 

"He'll be fine. He just has a slight fever. I recommend he gets as much rest as possible. He should be fine after that," the doctor. Emily sighed with relief and tried to settle her racing heart. She got down next to where the boy laid and smiled at him. 

"Did you hear that? You're going to be okay, kid," Emily said. The boy looked up at her. His emerald eyes shone slightly at her. 

"Henry," he whispered. She blinked. What?

"What was that?" she asked making sure she heard him right.

"My name is Henry," he told her. Emily's eyes widened and she nodded to him to show him that she understood what he meant. 

"Well, Henry, why don't we go back to my place that way we can both rest?" Emily asked him. He nodded at her. She helped him down the stairs to her car and then they were off to apartment where he would be able to get better.


A/N: Hey guys! I hope you are enjoying this story so far! I have no idea if this is a good way for the chapter to end, but I'm going to be continuing it in the next chapter. If you have any concerns about the story line be sure to message me. :) Other than that, please enjoy!

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