Marshal's Return

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"Saan niyo po ako ipupunta?" Where are you taking me? Little Marshal asked  to his father as Katipunan drags him away, away from their home, his pregnant mother watching by the doorway, tears running down her face.  "Makikita ko po ba si baby?" Will I see the baby? 

Katipunan could not speak. How could he? He was about to give his son away for his own safety, under the supervision of a foreigner. He knew it was not safe but he had no choice. He had to trust them.  Instead, he kept dragging his first born son by the arm towards the docks.  

"Itay?" Dad? Tears began to well up in the corner of his. He was but a 7 year old boy, but the expression on his father's face was clear. 

The sound of the waves crashing against the wooden holsters of the dock rang in his ears and the smell of salty hair filled his lungs. It was a beautiful day. It was a perfect day to go sailing. 

In the distance a ship of a black sail was docked, and a few men were visible. The more distance they covered towards them, the more their voices were audible, and Marshal's heart sank upon hearing the foreign language. The more he pleaded. 

"Itay, what's happening...? Please don't leave me-" Tears dripped down his face, as Katipunan interrupted him. 

He knelt to his son's height, his hands gripping Marshal firmly, "Listen, my son" his voice that was so calm and sure, firm and hearty, cracked and was solemn, griefed even. "Remember all that I have taught you.... And survive. This is the only way you can survive." His grip on the boy's arms tightened. 

"Pero-" But- More tears came down and now he was sobbing, shoulders jerking as he cried. "Huwag niyo po akong iwan!" Don't leave me!

His father pulled him into a tight hug, and with no words he pulled out his Garab knife. "Here son, take this." He took the boy's hand and placed it on the sheathed knife, firmly. "From today on, you are a man." 

Marshal's hands touched the wood and leather. From the knife, his eyes shifted towards his father. He seemingly could not find the words to vocalize. At this time he knew that his father will give him away, but his little heart could not understand why. His shoulders still jerked from crying, as it subsided. His fingers tightened around the handle. Confusion and a tinge of hate swelled in his heart, replacing the sadness and fear e felt a moment ago. 

"Now, come my child." Katipunan rose to his full height, and held his son's hand tight. They continued to walk closer, towards the small group of foreigners, until one of them spots them and turns around. 

"About time, Katipunan." A man with exotic clothing of browns, reds, and yellows spoke. He had a skin of brown and a crescent on his countenance. 

"Mesopotamia*, this is my first born Son, Marshal. Please accept him as you fateful crew member." Katipunan seem to grit his teeth.  He felt filthy, giving his own son to a rich pirate but this was all for the sake of surviving.

Marshal looked at the foreigner and then to his father. questions began to swim in his head. Where is this foreigner taking him? Why is his father giving him away? Will he see his mother again and the baby in her womb?  Will he live? And If so, will he be able to come back to a family? 

The foreigner placed his hand on Marshal's back, "Your father is sending you away. Any last words before we depart?" 

"Ibibigay kita sa mga banyaga upang ika'y mabuhay, anak. Magpakatatag ka." His father translated the words, placing his heavy hand upon Marshal's crown and rubbing his head. 

Marshal looked at Katipunan, the tear-streaked face long gone, but now replaced with determination, a cold stare. "Sa aking pagbabalik, malalaman ko lahat, Itay." I will know everything, when I return. 

Marshal kicked the wooden table with a howl, and threw his gun across the room. He breathed deeply and heavily in anger. His blood boiled for revenge.  He felt hatred, and malice run through his veins. His shaking followers stared at him in fear, of what he might do. "Damn those Spaniards!" He shrieked, the table earning another kick. The wine glass cups shattered with a sound.  His fists were shaking, so are his arms. Marshal gritted his teeth, containing his boiling rage. 

"What of America?!" He then shouted to one of his crew members, pointing his second gun that was holstered on his waist. 

They froze, the poor man at the end of the gun swallowed, "Th-they bought Philippines from Spain and Spain l-left... S-sir." 

"And a man named Katipunan?" His voice was calm, but this made him even more scarier, as if one little mistake could set him off again.  Marshal stepped closer, the gun still pointed at one of his loyal companions. 

"He could not be found... He-He's missing, s-sir.." The man trembled, closing his eyes, waiting to get shot, but Marshal simply lowered the gun. 

"I see." He mumbled. His head hung low, staring at the floorboards of the Flightless Eagle.  

Silence fell upon the crew members and their captain, all eyes staring and waiting for commands, or another dead body to throw of into the sea. 

The captain shifted his weight, and lifted his head up. The colors of Red on top, blue below and white on the side was revealed again to them and it held an expression that was scarier than his burning wrath. It was a gruesome smile. "Set sail, salty sea dogs... We are going hunting~" He chuckled.

Everyone chuckled as well, but was quieted by a gunshot. Marshal fired his gun at the roof of the captain's cabin. "I said, get to work, you mongrels!" 

Everyone scampered to their feet, shouting as they did. 

Marshal sat on the leather covered chair, with a scowl on his face. He could remember it clearly, that day, that cursed beautiful day he was forced to leave their island. The expression on his parent's face was intensely clear, and the salty air. All that he knew was that his mother was slain by the damned Spaniard, and that his sibling is taken away. 

"I'll find you....I'll find you, brother and together..." He muttered to himself, gripping his own head, "We will avenge mother...." He almost growled.

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