Chapter 3

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"Jayna is my name. Obito" I said with a slight blush, before stating his name a little more seriously, surprising all the Akatsuki members in the room. (Including Obito himself.)

"What! But I thought his name was Madara! Not Obito! Un!" Deidara exclaimed, glaring at said person. Obito sighed, surprising everyone at the new change in voice, being slightly raspy and a bit deep.

"No. She is right. My true name is Obito Uchiha. Itachi's older cousin I guess." Obito said dejectedly. Itachi glared a little before he sighed inwardly. Deidara slowly walked towards Obito, stopping right in front of him, Obito's eyes narrowed.

"Why is it always Uchiha!" Deidara screamed in frustration. "I always thought you were some stupid man child that just wouldn't leave me alone, Un! But it turns out, you're related to that ass!" Deidara yelled pointing at Itachi, who just sweat dropped.

Obito closed his eyes in frustration, not liking the kid that much either. His eyes shot open when he felt someone's hand on his mask, luckily for him, reacting just fast enough to stop it, his hand quickly shot out and grabbed Deidara's wrist before he could take his mask off. 'Now I know how Kakashi felt when we were younger.' Obito sweat dropped.

'Aww, I actually wanted to see what he looked like.' A few of the Akatsuki members thought dejectedly.

Obito gave Deidara a little glare, causing him to step back slightly.

"I never liked you Deidara. And don't be so quick to judge me, you only saw what I chose for you to see." Obito said with little hostility and lots of irritation in his voice.

Deidara was a little taken a back at that. "Huh." Everyone besides a few said.

I looked at everyone for a second before settling my gaze on Deidara. "Ok, now that that's all done and good. Deidara follow me. I want to show you something." I stated with a anxious look on my face.

Deidara didn't look like he wanted to at first, but changed his mind when he saw the little glare in the hole of Obito's mask. Definitely not directed at him. "Hmm. Un." Deidara mumbled as he got up and followed me out of my room.

I walked upstairs with Deidara behind me and came upon two doors, quickly opening the one on the left, where my office was.

"What's that?" Deidara asked, looking at the computer.

"A Computer." I said flatly.

* * * * * *

"Soooo...?" Kisame drawled looking at Obito who just stared at him in response. Kisame shivered inwardly, staring into the black abyss of the hole in his mask. "Your name isn't Madara...?" Kisame questioned with a deadpan.

"No." Obito said flatly. 'Why couldn't I just die.' He thought dejectedly. 'This is punishment worse then death.' He thought to himself with self pity.

* * * * * *

"Sooo. What is it that you wanted to show me? Un." Deidara asked.

"Hmmm. Obito and Itachi's hardships." I answered.

"Tch. What's so special about those Uchiha bastards, they're as terrible as they get, Un." Deidara said with a scoff.

I glared at him. 'Oh how wrong you are Deidara.' I thought angrily with a little bit of sadness. "There's a story behind every person. There's a reason why they're the way they are. Think about that before you judge someone." I said in disappointment.

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