Chapter 2

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"Sooooo... Should we continue the video or what? You may be surprised by what you see."   I explained seriously, thinking of all the deaths and Obito Uchiha's identity crisis. (Come on, he went from Obito to Madara to Tobi back to Madara to 'No One' and then back to Obito. The poor guy needssome help.) As well as being low key excited for all their reactions to him.

He contemplates for a second. Before saying "I could learn a few things, gather a bit of information about all of the Akatsuki members. Also I have a question." He stated with little hesitation.

"Oh? And what would that be?" I ask, raising my eyebrow.

"How much do you know?" Sasori asks. I think for a second, before deciding.

"Everything." I state flatly, before grabbing the controller and pressing play. I watched Sasori as he payed full attention to Kakuzu's final moments of life in the Naruto world. I saw how surprised and interested he was when he saw Naruto's 'Wind Style: RasenShuriken' destroy Kakuzu. I placed my attention back on the video when it showed Kakuzu's death, backing away from the spot of the ceiling where Sasori dropped out of. I pause the video and stare at the ceiling, watching as another hole appeared, dropping out Kakuzu. 'Thank god I was right, I didn't want to be stuck with just Sasori. No offence Sasori.'

Kakuzu groaned sitting up from the ground, looking around before stopping at the sight of Sasori and I. "I'm in hell, aren't I?" Kakuzu stated while looking at Sasori. Sasori glared at him harshly while I actually thought about it.

"Not to far off I guess." I said jokingly, earning myself an annoyed glare from Sasori, and an odd look from Kakuzu.

"Who is she?" Kakuzu said looking at Sasori.

"She is right here, and her name is Jayna Hunter, your guide to this world. Or hell. Whichever you prefer to call it." I said glaring at him slightly and then ending my sentence with a small smirk. Sasori looked slightly bored, wanting to continue the video. Get it all over with so he could get more answers.

"If this isn't actually hell where am I?" Kakuzu asked impatiently. I sighed looking at the TV for a second before looking back at Kakuzu.

"I'll answer all your questions once everyone else gets here, so hold your horses there bud." I said, also having a slightly bored look on my face, hiding the fact that I was still freaking the hell out inside my head.

Kakuzu glares slightly, and then nods his head in acceptance, also assuming that I  just mean't the rest of the Akatsuki by others.

I again play the video 'I'm just going to let the video play out when the next person arrives so this goes faster. Because i'm only on the second Akatsuki member and i'm getting sick of this shit.'  I thought while staring at the ceiling, just waiting for Hidan to pop out.

I sighed when I saw the hole appear again, dropping potty mouth Hidan out of the ceiling. I groaned slightly, hoping that Hidan isn't to annoying towards me. 'Actually, how does this work? Technically Hidan didn't die, he only got blown to smithereens. Wait, that would kill a normal person. Oh yeah he's immortal, so, not normal. So how is he here. Is it just because he's in this video? Or did he possibly, somehow, die? I mean, I guess he wasn't exactly in shape (Literally) to go outside and preform those creepy as fuck rituals of his.' Jayna contemplated, before she heard Hidan speak.

"What the fuck?" Hidan said groggily, laying on his back and just staring at the ceiling. I giggled a little bit, amused at Hidan's response to falling out of a ceiling. He shot up right away at the sound of my giggle. He looked at me with a tiny bit of irritation, that changed when he actually got a closer look at me. My body was only slightly above average, but by the sound of my giggle and the colour of my eyes. I was beautiful(Personality is shit though.). He suddenly grew irritated at the sight of Kakuzu and Sasori. "I don't know if this Jashin-Sama's reward, or if this his cruel punishment." Hidan said looking between Sasori, Kakuzu and I.

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