Chapter 1

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"Why?" A girl questioned with tears streaming down her face as she finished watching Naruto.


She rolled over onto her stomach, face planting her pillow, mumbling curses. Her dog named Mayukw (My-Youk. it means grizzly bear in my native language.), staring at her, kind of panicked by her tears. She gets up, feeling his eyes on her form.

"What? Don't judge me, you'd be crying to if you knew what was happening!" She said defensively. He just stared at her, before jumping off the bed and running away from that "conversation" towards the kitchen knowing that's where the back door was located, it had the doggy door, the key to freedom.

"You better run away, brat." She muttered, flopping face first back onto her bed.

*      *     *      *     *       *

Knock, knock, knock

She opened her eyes groaning while getting up from laying on her stomach, sluggishly walking towards her bathroom across the hall from her bedroom to wash her face.

While turning on the sink she looked at the mirror, staring at her amber, red-rimmed eyes. Turning her eyes away from the mirror, she looks back at the sink getting a hand full and washing her face.

Knock, knock, knock.

She glared at the ground slightly, looking back up she yells "Be there in a second!" She exclaimed with a twinge of annoyance in her tone of voice whilst limping towards a towel to dry her face. She finally hops over to the door, swinging it open with a small smile, so she wouldn't make them uncomfortable.

It was a tall handsome young man, not looking a day over 20, he had a nervous smile on his face, holding a bouquet of blue roses in his arms. 'Huh those are my favourite flowers' She thought while glancing at them for a second in admiration, before looking back at the man at hand.

"Uh, h-hello Jayna, it's me, um, Hayden, y-you know, the uh guy from work." He stuttered, seeming to have forgotten his name for a second.

'Hmmm' She thought to herself smartly. "Hello Hayden, the uh guy from work." She responded with barely concealed sass, inwardly rolling her eyes at the young looking man.

He beamed while gaining a bit of confidence, glad that she remembered him. "I'm just here to see how you were holding up after getting shot in the leg by that bank robber three weeks ago, and I-I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me at um, uh Ricky's?" He questioned with a nervous lovesick expression.


"Hey! Stop right there, you asshole!" She yelled, pointing a gun at the man. He rolled his eyes slightly, before reaching for something in his pocket. "I said, Stop. Right. There. Asshole." She said sternly, tightening her grip on the gun.

"Sorry sweetheart. But gotta pay the bills somehow. Right?" He replied to her threat.

"Yeah, you're right. That's why you get a job dickwad." She said rolling her eyes. He growled, before quickly taking the gun he was reaching for out of his pocket, shooting her with said weapon.

Jayna quickly fires her M1911 (The Police here don't use the Glock 22) aiming at his leg while trying to move away at the same time. Unfortunately though, she still felt a searing pain in her thigh, courtesy of his FN Five-seven. She muttered a few curses under her breath. Looking back up she saw that the man hadn't been so lucky.

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