Chapter 98 Part III Freedom (Last part of 98)

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More than a dozen Surge assassins surround them at the end of the channel. They swing their blades menacingly at Xiao and the group.

Solving the killers is a difficult and agonizing ordeal.

Xiao Yan grabbed the blade of one of the killers and moved to slash toward the killers, struggling to work with Heien and make it to the next node.

These killers care nothing for their lives or bodies. No matter if their hands and feet are cut off, they do not give up their goal of trapping them within the ship. Their lives belong to the ghost of Valentin. Even after death, his violence still weaves around this world.

More and more killers pour in and Xiao desperately tried to close the passage off, but he is just a step too late. He knows that the longer they remain in the frigid water, the more energy they consume. Not to mention that the fighting has taxed their bodies to the limit, the combination has rapidly consumed their oxygen stores.

A killer was cut down by Heine, yet still refused to loosen his grip on his weapon. He grabbed Xiao Yan and tried to hold his hands and pull him deeper into the water. Heine single-handedly demolished a large group of killers approaching him and desperately reached a hand out to grab Xiao's shoulder. The blade of the killer landed on his wrist and almost severed his hand off at the wrist.

Xiao Yan is startled and filled with adrenaline. He frantically fought against the killer. Without a weapon he must rely on hand to hand combat. He nearly broke their arms and twisted their necks. They still fight against such grave injuries, continually blocking Heine's blade.

They fought to reach the node, and Jane struggled to push Casey toward the door as he turned to help Heine grab Xiao Yan. Finally Heine is able to extricate Xiao from the savage situation and Winn and Mark protect his side. Jane does not mimic their actions, instead he moves forward and dropped the killers that struggled to reach them.

Finally they all reached the door and Xiao gestured toward them. Jane turned back to Xiao and motioned for him to close off the passage, isolating him on the other end to deal with the killers.

Xiao Yan shook his head and along with Casey reached his hand out, forcing Jane to come back to them.

Jane is not able to reach them easily. The assassins flocked toward them, they grabbed onto Jane's, legs holding him back. Xiao was frenzied and he screamed internally.

Hurry! Come one!

Finally Jane reached him, just as the group of Surge assassins took a hold of his waist and shoulder, others followed and went to pull Jane's entire body down before he reached the opening. Suddenly, Jane grabbed the terminal from Xiao and pushed him through the door.

Winn killed the Surge clones as they tried to slip past the node and Liv's actions were equally decisive and lethal. She swung her blade in focused savagery as Mark protected her.

Xiao saw that Jane was stabbed through by one of the killers, still he gestured toward Heine and used the terminal to shut the door.

With widened eyes Xiao watched as Jane's smiling face disappeared amid the gap that rapidly shut closed. His eyes and expression seemed to scream 'Don't look back.'

More killers made it through before the doors shut and rushed at Xiao and his eyes went blood shot as he cut them down instantly. The rushing waters tinged red and Xiao's mind fell into an enraged chaos until they all fell beneath his blade.

Heine hurried to his side and cupped his cheeks, kissing his lips with a passionate force and breathed heavily into his mouth, forcing air into his lungs.

Xiao looked at Heine amid the confusion, he saw the lines of Heine's face set in a ferocious determination.

He had gone through all of this death and sacrificed so could not end with him trapped in this graveyard of a ship forever. He wants to leave this haunted craft with Heine at his side.

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