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"This is such a great house. You'll be hard-pressed to find another like it in your price range," the real estate agent told the couple. He unlocked the door and stepped aside to let them in first. "It has plenty of space for your growing family." He looked at the woman's obvious stomach. "This is the living room. As you can see, it comes fully furnished. The whole house does, actually. The kitchen is in there." He pointed, and the couple stepped into the spacious room.

"I like it," she told her husband, taking his hand. "It's perfect. Especially the old barn. And the name! Briartree Farm. It sounds like something out of a Dickens novel."

"There's plenty of room upstairs if you decide to have more children, too. And the town is full of friendly people." He smiled. "Like me."

"It looks pretty old," the man said. "How long has it been empty?"

"No one's lived here in over thirty years. But don't let that discourage you," he continued when the couple exchanged doubtful glances. "The owners renovated everything before they put it on the market. Do you want to see upstairs?"

The man looked at his wife. She smiled. "I don't think we need to," she said. "I want it."

"Great!" the agent said. "We'll draw up the paperwork and have y'all moved in within two weeks. Thank you, Mister and Missus Walters." He shook their hands.

"No thank you..." Mrs. Walters looked at his nametag. "...John."

John smiled. "You're gonna love it here."

April 7 - October 2, 2014

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