You And I

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Cat P.O.V

"Where are they?" Ross asked impatiently.  "I don't know.." I said. I've gotten the hint that Ash chose Riker and they wanted to be alone right now. "Its 10 o'clock!" Ross threw his hands up. He dropped the wood he was holding.

We needed more fire wood so me and Ross offered to go in the woods together. He dropped his bundle. "Im gonna go look for them." I dropped my bundle too and chased after him. 

We walked for a long time. Im not sure how long because I don't have my phone. We arrived on a beach with candles and lights. It was amazing. I ran ahead of Ross towards the scenery and saw two people under a blanket.

Ashley and Riker.

The were just laying down but it's obvious that something happened here. I turned around to stop Ross but he walked right by me.  He stepped up to them.  "Its 10 o' clock. Almost 11." "Oh!" Ashley said sitting up quick. "Thought you guys got lost or something." He lied. Riker laughed. "Well I have to change so give us a minute." Ashley asked.  Ross turned around and walked up to me.  He whispered in my ear "She kissed me first and she will kiss me last."

I don't mean to sound rude, but Ross is coming off as obsessive. He needs to calm down. "Hey!" Ashley ran up to me with Riker following her like a puppy.  "Heeey." I winked at her and Riker. Her face got red. 

We arrived at the hill again and decided to head home. We only stayed for a few days but we wanted to go home. It took a few hours to get home. As soon as we got back, Rocky decided to sleep with me in my room and Riker went in Ashleys room. Ratliff went to apologize to Rydel. Ross and ryland just went into their room.

"Rocky?" I asked, only seeing the pitch black in my room.  "Yes?" He answered half awake. "What's gonna happen to the group?" "What do you mean?" "Now that Ashley is with Riker, everything will be awkward." He paused before answering "Then we will make a new group." and kissed the top of my head.

Ashley P.O.V

I opened my eyes to see blazing morning sky shine through my window.  I looked next to my bed and saw it was empty.  I walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth and ran downstairs to see Rocky and Riker playing video games and Cat making pancakes. I was able to make it into the kitchen without the awkward "good mornings" to the guys.  "Hey." Cat said.  She was mixing some batter.  "Hi." I grabbed a cooked pancake from the big plate. "Did you and Riker have sex yesterday?" I choked on the pancake then smiled.  "Omg!" She jumped up and down. "The batter!" I pointed to the the dripping bowl and we started laughing.  I guess the guys heard us because they walked into the kitchen and kissed us. "Its like we live together." Rocky joked.

We ate our food and went back upstairs to change. I got ready to go in the shower when Riker said "Are you gonna take a shower?" "Uhm yeah that's why I turned it on." I laughed.  "Can I join?" He asked.  "Sure." I answered. He walked in and shut the door.

We walked over to the Lynch's house together because we have nothing better to do. "Hey!" Rydel ran up to us and hugged us. "I'm happy for you." Rydel whispered to me and Riker. "Where's Ross...?" I looked around. "New Austin and Ally episode today." "Oh.."

It was late afternoon when Ross walked in and we were all on the couch. "You look fine!" He said though the open door.  A short, pale girl with black hair walked into the doorway.  "Hi." She practically whispered. "Hey." The group said in harmony.  "Guys, this is Amy. I met her on set today."

Ross sat down next to Riker and then Amy sat down. "What are we watching?" "Brides maids." I answered. Stormie shut the lights off for us and gave us some popcorn. I layed on Rikers chest and out the corner of my eye I saw Ross put his arm around Amy.

This isn't real this isn't real this isn't real.

"Let's go upstairs." Ross whispered to Amy and I suddenly felt the need to throw up all over again.

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