What Do I Have To Do

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Ross P.O.V

Every one was busy today. Well Ashley wasnt but she wanted to stay home because Chris said he was busy. So Cat came over and asked if I wanted to go to the mall with her because she needed to buy a rocky a "3 month anniversary gift." and she didnt have her license yet.

We pulled up to the mall. Everyone around town knows me so not many people run up to me in public. We walked into a few thousand stores until Catherine found the perfect gift. I was getting hungry so we ordered some food and sat in the food court.

She looked at me. "Ross.." "Yeah?" I sighed. "Why wont you give up on Ashley? I understand you not trying as hard with me because of Rocky.." "I still like you though." I confessed. "Okay.. but my point is that Ashley moved on, why cant you?" "Catherine." I stared hard into her eyes. "Remember when Ashley told everyone that me and her.." "Yes." Catherine choked.  "Well it was my first time too. Ever since that moment I loved her. And itll never stop. Then she left for my brother. Which strangely made me love her more. I know she stills loves me. But now Chris is in the way. Wait. Chris? Chris!" I started yelling. Catherine snapped at me. "I get it. She likes Chris now! So just give it up." I furiously shook my head. "No. Chris." I pointed. She slowly turned her head back to witness Chris kissing a skinny blonde and giving her a bracelet. "I love you baby." I read his lips. Catherine stood up and I immediately followed.

"Asshole!" Catherine yelled before dumping all of her lunch on his head. "Atleast I didnt waste my food. And hes cheating on you. With my bestfriend.  Well, was." She pointed to the blonde.

We hurried away. We need to find Ashley. Theres no way I could text this to her.

Ashley P.O.V

Me and Rydel never hang out so after she hung out with Ratliff I invited her over to go swimming in my pool. We were sitting on the edge of the pool catching up on each others lives when Ross stormed in. "Ashley!" He said breathlessly. I ran up to him and grabbed his shoulders. "Ross, whats wrong?" I was getting nervous. "Chris. Chris is cheating on you. I saw him." I stepped back. "Are you kidding me?!" "I know." "I cant believe youd lie to me." I screamed. "Excuse me?" Ross looked stunned. "I DONT LIKE YOU. GET OVER IT." I quickly regretted that when Catherine ran up to me and explained what happend. Shes my bestfriend and she wouldnt make this up so I believed her. I looked at Ross who had bloodshot eyes. "Oh Ross I didnt mean-" "Whatever." He said and walked out of my yard.

*Later At Night*

My parents went on vacation with Mark & Stormie for a few weeks and me and Catherine are old enough to take care of ourselves. So Cat decided to invite the gang over to hangout while I set up the snacks. Ive occasionally cried today when im alone because im still hurt, so I encouraged her to leave without me.

They all came back 20 minutes later. Ross walked in and I was relieved because that meant he didnt hate me. We didnt talk much though. I sat around the fire between Catherine and Riker. Riker would try to start small talk with me but it felt really awkward. I miss him alot though. He was my best friend. 

Catherine handed rocky their anniversary gift. He looked at her with awe and said "Your present is up stairs." and we all wooed. He grabbed her hand and they went up stairs. The group of me, Rydel, Riker, Ross, Ellington, and Ryland began talking amongst ourselves.

I excused myself to go inside and sat on the couch. Ross followed me. He sat next to me and I leaned into him and started crying. I started talking really fast. "I dont understand why he would do this to me. I was good to him. Like how you were good to me. Im sorry for everything Ross. I know how it feels. Well kinda. I didnt even like chris. And im not even over you. I only dated Chris to fill the void. I dont know what to do. I love you." And I began scream-crying. I cant make up my god damn mind.

Thats when we heard a knock on the door. Ross got up to open it. "Hey babe." Chris said looking up. "Wait. ." Chris laughed at his mistake and walked in. "Can I help you?" I folded my arms. Theres no way I look threatning.  "Whats wrong?" He tried to sooth me. "Get out you cheating piece of shit." Ross muttered. "Cheating?" Chris said acting surprised.  "I never cheated. That girl at the mall was my cousin." Chris pleaded.  "Hes just trying to split us up. Dont listen to that mediocre. " Chris looked at Ross right before Ross punched him in the face. The gang was watching since Chris knocked on the door. As Chris stumbled out side yelling "I dont need you anyways!" Riker ran to the door and said "Ooooooh it's so over! And dont come back!".

"Ross." I choked while wiping dripping make-up from my face. "Yes?" He said rushing towards me. "You cant just punch people." "What? Why?" He questioned. "The paparazzi!" I joked.

We all looked up to hear stumbling down the stairs. Cat said "What happend?" while we all laughed at her and Rockys messy hair.

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