Suddenly we saw another black hole appear in the ceiling. Right above Hidan. "Fuck!" Hidan cursed as Deidara fell on top of him. "Shit... I'm leaning towards punishment..." Hidan groaned, not being ready for the unexpected visitor.

"Where the hell am I, Un." Deidara exclaimed before looking down to what he landed on. "Or where in hell am I, Un." He said with disgust while glaring down at the still groaning Hidan.

"Get the fuck off of me you bastard! Watch where you land next time!" Hidan said with malice, mumbling curses at Deidara.

"Like I wanted to land on top of you, Un." Deidara stated getting up. Well. That is until yet another body landed on top of him. "Agh!" Deidara yelped. I was watching with amusement, until I  decided to grab my controller and pause the video. Not wanting anyone to trample the innocent Itachi Uchiha.

"Jashin fucking damn it!" Hidan cursed as he was crushed with more weight.

"Where am I?" Itachi questioned, looking down to see both Hidan and Deidara, getting off right away when he realized he was on top of them. Deidara froze at the voice glaring at the ground harshly, not pleased in the slightest with hearing Itachi. He then slowly got up and off of poor Hidan.

I looked at Deidara in disappointment. 'Don't judge people for the choices they make when you don't know the options they had to choose from.' I thought sadly, before looking away from Deidara.

"Earth." I said looking at Itachi for a second then back down at Hidan who looked liked he wasn't going to be willing to move for quite sometime. I whistled sharply, calling for Mayukw and then looked at the door waiting for him to come running through. The men looked at me in confusion, wondering why I whistled and then stared at the door. Until they saw a big German Shepherd run through the said door. Straight towards Hidan.

"AAHHHH, FUCK!" Hidan cursed when Mayukw licked the insides of his ears, Hidan quickly got off the ground and jumped into the spot next to me. Shoving Kakuzu out of the way, Kakuzu muttering something along the lines of 'I'll kill you.'

"Pffft." Deidara and I snorted, Itachi looking only slightly amused.

"Tch." Kakuzu and Sasori scoffed. Itachi looked back at me.

"Why are we here?" He said looking at me. Both Hidan and Deidara quiet down a little bit and look at me as well. Deidara noticed Sasori next to me.

"Oh, Sasori my man, you're here as well? Un." Deidara questioned looking at Sasori.

"Tch, I was here before all of you were, brat." Sasori explained with a scoff. I looked between the two for a second and then grabbed my controller playing the video again. Really wanting to get Obito here faster. They all look at the TV seeing Nagato on the screen.

"Who the fuck is that guy?" Hidan asked with confusion.

"An Akatsuki member." I said. Hidan looked at me confused on how the hell I would know. "Just watch." I said, clearly annoyed. He just huffed, but looked at the TV anyways. I rolled my eyes and then closed them for the short amount of time I had until Nagato's inevitable death.

I must have fallen asleep because I was startled when I had opened my eyes to find the form of Nagato on the ground. The Akatsuki were all confused. Questions forming in their minds as they all stared at the new member. "Hi." I said. He looked at me and the Akatsuki members, wondering where he was.

"Soooooo... Who the fuck are you? And why the fuck do you have the same creepy eyes as our creepy ass leader?" Hidan questions with a confused look on his face.

"I am Nagato. Or you may know me as... Pein." Nagato said with a little bit of hesitation. Everyone was silent for a second.

"What in the fuck!" Hidan and surprisingly Deidara said. Nagato sighs, expecting those reactions from the both of them.

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