Important Notes

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Hey! Thanks for clicking on the book and making it this far, anyways I know that no one likes notes so I'll make this as fast as I can.

Notes About Characters And Scenarios

If you hadn't read the description yet this book isn't going to feature the main Hetalia characters in the Allies, Axis and Nordics. If you want to read a scenario book with those characters feel free to check out my other scenario book featuring all of them!

(*Cough* self advertising *cough* -E)

Anyways, the characters in this book are going to be split up into four different categories:

European Countries


















Asian Countries

-Hong Kong

-South Korea

-North Korea





Nyo! Characters

-Nyo! Hungary

-Nyo! Belarus


-Nyo! Lichtenstein

-Nyo! Belgium

-Nyo! Taiwan

-Nyo! Vietnam

-Nyo! Monaco

-Nyo! Seychelles




-New Zealand

-Hutt River




(Editor: Aren't there like way too many)

And that's pretty much all the characters. With this many characters, it will mean a lot of writing and editing, meaning that this book won't be updated too often. Our main priority is on the other scenario book, but we will still update as fast as we can.

Lots of these characters barely get any screen time and their personalities are somewhat vague so most of these characters will probably be OOC. I will just adapt on my own version of these characters so I apologise beforehand.

Also, a lot of these characters don't have any canon names or just several names used by fans so I will just be choosing the name that sounds the best. If you don't like a name or think there is a better name please tell me.

Also, the scenarios will be following the same scenarios used in the other scenarios book but feel free to request scenarios as long as they are appropriate and suitable for a 13+ audience.

Unfortunately, we won't be taking any character request because the crazy amount of characters we already have besides I'm not sure If I could persuade the editors to let me put any more in. (I literally barely agreed with the 37 we have -E)

Notes About the Editors and Myself

So if some of you have read my previous scenario book you would know that the person who edits it is called 'Editor' (Iceland (That is the character she has been given)) and myself, 'Author' (England(One of the seven characters I've been given)) but I don't want to overdose the Editor with piles and piles of work on top of the endless work she currently has to do I've 'employed' two new editors.

So the Editors are:

Chibi_Canadia135 - (Will call herself 'E' because that is the letter of her first name)

_Romano - (Will call herself 'J' because that is the letter of her first name)

VickyX0012 - (Will call herself 'Editor' because she is the head editor but the first letter of her name is 'V') Editor person: wth is the point, my name is in my frickin username... Author: It's a nickname, not your actual name dude

The Author is:

ME! I'd rather not give out my private account for reasons and besides, I don't publish books on my private account, unlike my editors who do publish stories you should check out. Though if you stalk me hard enough you'll probably find it. Also I'm not going to give out the first letter of my name for reasons. Editor Don't frickin look at mine I'm planning on changing the format bcs I don't like it.

Notes About Other Things

We all hate Author's Notes right? (People who don't are offended) You know those chapters that get you excited for but end up just being the Author going on Hiatus? Well, that isn't going to happen... without something interesting happening.

For every chapter dedicated to an Author's Note, there will also be a one shot not related to the story so you can look out for that.

Anyways thanks for clicking on the book and I hope you enjoy the rest of the book! And make sure to stay awesome!

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