"What the hell?" he gritted as he clutched his shirt careful not to touch the stained part. I gaped at him and I could not form a word as dread seeped into my veins. I wanted to run, run far away and I probably should have. He looked at me stonily while I visibly gulped.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" I cried out as I fumbled about for something to wipe it off with but today of all days my bag didn't have anything useful. I cursed as my ears started burning. He sighed loudly and just walked away leaving me standing there like a fool.

Tears of embarrassment and rejection burned my eyes. I couldn't even say anything as I watched him walk away. I couldn't believe I made a fool out of myself in front of the man I liked. I threw the ice cream in the trash and ran towards what I thought was the washroom but me being me I bumped into someone again. The guy didn't push me off immediately but instead held on to my shoulders to steady me. Great it was a creep. I tried to shrug him off but he still kept holding on to me. I had to deal with this guy now and I really was not in the mood.

I wiped my eyes and finally looked at him and it was so not a creep. I was beginning to believe my life must be one big cliche. Of course it was Oh Sehun and he looked so handsome up close. I was too upset to be shocked and I couldn't help a stray tear that slipped from my eye. He looked into my eyes intensely like he was looking for complex answers to his complex questions. I stepped back from him but he grabbed my arm before I could make a run for it. It kind of hurt and it must have been evident so he let me go immediately. I couldn't believe how calm I was being in his presence. I didn't say anything but waited for him to say something.

"Are you okay?" he asked in his deep voice which somehow sounded boyish. I sniffled again furiously wiping my eyes and nodded.

"Kyungsoo wasn't really angry at you. He was already angry at something else so don't worry about him. He didn't mean to be rude." So he had seen that and it made me feel disgusted at my self all the more. I was trash to have crossed paths with 9GC in such a way.

"I'm okay" I mumbled not looking at him.

"I'm sorry" I said quickly when I realized I might have been rude. I braved to look at him again and it was his everyday poker face but his eyes looked soft somehow or was I just imagining it. He looked at me like he was waiting for me to say something but I could neither think of anything to say nor bring myself to explain about the incident with us at the party.

He suddenly grabbed my hand again and dragged me. My eyes grew wide but I let him drag me. So a boy was holding my hand and not just any other boy, it was freaking Oh Sehun. My cheeks grew hot as I felt the heat of his hands. They were soft and big and warm and now my heart was racing. We stopped before the ice cream shop again and he proceeded to buy an ice cream. It was the same flavor I had got and I could only stare in shock as he handed it to me.

"What...." I started to say but he shoved it into my hands and I had no choice but to hold it. I looked at the ill fated ice cream and back at him. "Um thank you" I whispered and my face felt hot at how I couldn't even use my voice properly. He smiled slightly and I was freaking out.

He looked satisfied as I started to eat the ice cream and he looked ready to leave but I couldn't let him so I stopped him.

"Hey um I'm actually kind of full. Want to share it with me?" I asked him shyly stuttering like a fool all the way but my words surprised me. What the hell am I doing?!

"Sure. I don't mind" he smirked and I should have died but I didn't and started walking towards a seating area in the corner. I could feel his presence as he followed me. He towered over me with his 6 feet frame and it made me feel safe if any case there were stone peltings from his fan girls or fan boys. I quickly glanced around and I didn't see anyone familiar so I felt a bit relieved but you could never be too sure of his fans lurking around, plotting a violent death for me.

I sat down and he followed suit. He sat too close for my liking but he didn't notice that. He sat like a freaking prince too. Long legs crossed, his hands on his lap and back straight while he looked at me with his piercing gaze. I passed the ice cream to him and he nibbled on it. I wasn't sure what was exactly happening but if I was correct I was sharing an ice cream with Prince Oh Sehun. Was I actually dreaming?

We shared the ice cream in silence and I realised he wasn't much of a talker. Well that would be both of us then. I had chosen a discreet place to sit but since Sehun was well Sehun, the spot became the most promint. Men, women and children, all of them looked at Sehun like he was some kind of celebrity. He did look like one so I couldn't blame them. He was even dressed like one while I looked like a hobo today of all days. My hair was in a messy pony tail and I had no make up on. I became extremely aware of my unattractive-ness in his presence. It must have been painful to watch us together because way too many people sized me up and winced. Thanks to all those people I felt uglier than ever and shoutout to that kid who asked his mom why the girl was uglier than the guy very loudly for all to hear. I wish I could tell him that everyone was ugly compared to Oh Sehun.

"You feeling okay now?" he asked me distracting me from my staring contest with another kid who had stuck out his tongue at me and mouthed "ugly".

"Uh yeah I guess" I answered giving up as the kid smirked at me and finally walked away. I could hear the pattering of rain and all of a sudden it started pouring. I shivered in disgust thinking about how wet and humid it would be outside right now.

"We need to talk" he told me and my head snapped back. He eyes looked serious but he was biting his lips anxiously and it made my stomach queasy. I should clear this up quickly. I didn't like him getting worried over nothing.

Let's get this done and dusted.

a/n: exo-ls I need theories about this story. you guys are good at that XD


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