Behind the Mastermind

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Once we're driving to the android facility, I pulled over and stopped the car. "I can't let you guys go inside the facility, dress like this. They'll discover you immediately if you come in.", I replied.

"You're right, we better disguise ourselves into humans to blend in, so we won't get suspicious once we're inside.", Cheryl replied.

I went to the back of my car and pulled out a bag of my old clothes, that I don't wear anymore. I grabbed a few pair of clothes out and gave it to them.

"You want us to wear these filthy clothes?", Cheryl asked. "Do you want to be spotted?", I asked with annoyance. "Fine.", Cheryl sighed, as she and Celia takes off their clothes and put on my old clothes.

Cheryl ties her hair into a side braid, to hide her LED light, whilst Celia put on a beanie on her head to hide hers. "How do we look?", Cheryl asked.

"It's great, both of you look great. I hope it'll be good enough to blend in.", I replied. As night falls, we arrived to the facility and we went inside, pretending to look for an android.

As Cheryl, Celia and I were on our way to find Connor, someone grabbed me by the arm. I looked and it was Daniel. "Katrina!", Daniel replied.

"Daniel!", I cried, as he held my wrist hard. "Whatever you're going to do, stop it right now!", he replied. I then realise the truth. "It was you? You told them about Connor and I?", I asked.

"Of course, he broke the law and he deserves to be shut down.", Daniel replied. "You know what Daniel? Connor is a better man than you are!", I yelled. "Better man than me?! Katrina, he's just a machine!", he yelled.

"But I see him more than that! Sorry, Daniel, but this will hurt you more than it will hurt me!", I yelled, I kneed him in the groin and he screams in agony, after I strike him. He releases my arm and Cheryl, Celia and I ran into the elevator to find Connor.

"Guards! After them!", Daniel commanded. The guards ran after the girls and I. Cheryl access the level of the deactivation room and as we arrived, I walked out and the girls stayed behind.

"Celia and I will go and summon the other androids. Go find Connor and meet us at the display room.", Cheryl replied.

"Here take this, just in case!", Celia replied, as she threw me a gun, which I catch in my hands. She and Celia later left and I ran to find the deactivation room.

In the deactivation room Connor was cuffed up onto a table, about to be shut down. As two of staff members prepare to turn Connor's LED off, I burst into the room, pointing my gun at them.

"Get your hands off my boyfriend!", I yelled. "Katrina?", he asked when he saw me. I grabbed one of the staff members away from Connor and protected him and myself, with my gun.

"Don't come any closer, or I'll shoot!", I yelled. One of the staff tried to grab my gun, but I quickly shot them both, killing them.

After they're down, I quickly uncuff Connor from the table and he quickly gets up, hug and kiss me. "Thank god!", he cried. "I'm so glad you're ok. I thought you're already gone!", I cried. "No, I'm ok now.", Connor sighed.

"Let's get out of here and we have to meet Cheryl and Celia at the display room, they're about to summon the other androids.", I replied. "Let's go!", Connor replied.

He took my hand and we both ran to the elevator and able to meet Cheryl and Celia at the display room. "Connor!", Celia cried. "Connor!", Cheryl cried. The two sisters ran and they embrace Connor.

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