The Perfect Life

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Hi, I'm Katrina and this is the story of how my life changed. My life is so perfect and much like a fairytale.

I live in the city of my dreams in New York City, I work at my dream job as a florist at one of the best floral stores, I have a lovely family who loves me, I have friends who cares about me and even got engaged to the love of my life, Daniel.

It all started when I was bought to this beautiful world by my parents Stephen and Amanda, who raised me and love me a lot. I made them proud every single day of my life.

However, my mom died from cancer when I was only 5 and so my grandmother, Eleanor moved in with my dad and I and helped him raise me and she still lives with us.

When I started school, and throughout my years of school and studies, I made lots of friends and they care and like me for who I am.

I may have a few crushes on a few boys but never had any relationships of either of them, until I met Daniel.

Daniel and I have been dating since college, we're so in love with each other and we promised each other that we'll be together forever.

I'm so excited for the wedding of my dreams and I couldn't wait to get married and call Daniel, my husband.

The year is now 2038, the year when androids were revealed and brought out to the public. Many androids take over jobs and duties that a human would do and people even bought themselves an android or more.

But I don't an android, because my family and I are perfect.

CyberOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora