The Confession of Feelings

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The next day, I woke up with a massive hangover. "Good morning Katrina. I hope you well after your ordeal last night.", Connor replied. "What happened last night?", I asked.

"You were drunk and you passed out. Luckily, I was there and witnessed it, I was able to drive you home and tuck you into bed. I didn't undress you, so l just left you in your last night's clothes.", Connor replied.

"Anyway, your grandmother just made you some chicken soup, she says it's the best hangover cure, she wants me to bring it to you.", Connor replied. "Thanks, you can leave it on the table. I need to take a shower.", I replied.

"Can you come back in 5 minutes?", I asked. "Sure.", he replied, as he prepares to leave. I tried to get out of my bed, but struggle to keep my balance. "Whoa!", Connor replied, as he ran back to me and catch me in his arms.

"Here.", he replied, as he puts my arm around his neck, bend down, wrapping his arms around my body and legs and lift me up. My eyes were widen big in shock, he carries me in his arms.

"Connor, what are you doing?", I asked. "Helping you get into the bathroom.", Connor replied, as he walks into my bathroom and made me sit on the toilet.

"Ok, I'll be back in 5 minutes.", Connor replied. "Before you go, can you please help me unzip my dress?", I asked.

"Sure.", he said, as he came up to me and I turned my back to him and flick my hair to the side and he held onto the zipper of the dress and slowly unzips the dress.

After he unzipped it, he then leaves my room and shuts the door. I took a hot shower and ate my grandmother's chicken soup to cure my hangover.

As I finished my last bite of the soup, Connor returns after 5 minutes. "Are you ok, Katrina?", he asked. "Yeah, I'm alright.", I replied.

I then return to my bed and Connor sat next to me. "We need to talk, Katrina.", Connor replied. "What's there to talk about, Connor?", I asked.

"I get that you're angry at me because I don't return the same feelings to you.", Connor sighed. "I am angry! I feel humiliated that you don't feel the same way as I do with you!", I cried, as I tried to leave.

Connor stops me by grabbing my arm. "Wait.", he sighed. "I was worried about you so much last night, especially when you collapsed.", he replied.

"So you care about me now? First I care about you, and you don't appreciate it and now you start to care about me?!", I asked with an upset voice.

I grabbed Connor by his jacket and shake him non stop as I continue to yell at him. Connor wasn't phased or reacted to me grabbing him violently.

"Just say that you have any feelings for me. Just say it!", I cried. Connor grabbed my face with his hands and kisses me with force. But I pushes him away. "Connor!", I cried, as I push him from me and he hit against the wall.

I then walked out of the house and drove to work, leaving Connor stunned. Connor then talks to my grandmother about me.

"Eleanor, I need to ask you something.", Connor replied. "Yes, Connor. Of course. Come and sit with me.", my grandmother replied.

Connor sat on a chair next to my grandmother's and she was looking at the view of the city and enjoying a cup of tea. "So, Connor. What is it that you want to ask me?", she asked. "It's Katrina.", Connor sighed.

"Let me guess, she's still mad at you for having no feelings for her?", my grandmother asked. "Yes, and I kissed her.", Connor replied. My grandmother then spat out some tea out of my mouth to her reaction.

My grandmother starts coughing for a while and puts down her teacup on the table. "You kissed her?", she asked. "Yes. I don't know why I did it.", Connor sighed.

"You kissed her to show her how you feel about her. You showed her love, Connor. Love is a human feeling.", my grandmother replied. Connor was speechless and shocked as he looked away.

"Tell me, what does your heart tell you about Katrina right now?", my grandmother asked. "Even if I break the 3 laws, that my heart tells me that I want her.", Connor replied. "You love her, don't you?", my grandmother asked.

"Yes, I do love her and it's the first human emotion I ever start to feel, first time to start feelings for someone and that person is...", Connor sighed. "Katrina.", my grandmother sighed. Connor then smiles at her.

"What am I going to do, Eleanor?", Connor asked. "You tell her, Connor. Tell her how you really feel about her.", my grandmother sighed. Connor smiles. "What are you standing there for? Go to her!", my grandmother commanded.

Connor then runs out of the house and goes to find me. That night it was raining, and I was closing up the flower shop. I was cleaning up and locking the cash register.

As I was about to put on the closed sign to the door, Connor arrives to the door, soaking wet, which startled me. "Connor!", I replied with surprise.

"Can I come in?", he asked. "Of course, come in, come in!", I replied. He goes inside, as I shut the door and locked it. Connor wipes the water off him and fixes his jacket and tie.

"What are you doing here?", I asked. "I've been running all over the city to find you. Until your father told me that you were at work.", Connor replied.

"What do you want?", I asked. "Katrina, I want to tell you something.", Connor sighed, as he held both of my hands and pull me close to him.

"I admit it! I admit everything I've been trying to tell you how I really feel.", Connor replied. I was speechless and silent as he said it. "Katrina...", he sighed.

He looked down, and so did I and he held my hands up to his chest. I looked up at him and he looked at me. "I love you.", he sighed.

I gasped with surprise as I looked at him. He held my chin with his fingers and lean close to me and kisses me passionately. I kissed him back and wrap my arms around his neck.

"But wait what about the law?", I asked. "Don't worry, we'll keep it as our secret. They'll never know.", Connor sighed. I kissed him again and we kissed very passionate, as outside rained heavily.

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