Chapter One

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"I think the most painful thing I had to endure was watching my best friend and my crush be together. Like,none of them took notice me breaking or being the bleak third wheel. They were happy. Still are. Though that's what counts, right? If you love something, you let it free. And I loved them both. But I couldn't take it. I set them free, both of them. They deserve happiness, and so do I. And eventually one day, I know I will look back at this and laugh. As this is what I have. I have faith"


It was what she said. Just that one answer she gave. And I was completely intrigued by her. I have never seen her face, I sit nine rows behind her. And catching a glimpse of someone in Collage is like finding a needle in a hay stack. But It's not like I would go looking for a complete stranger. 

And back to the point, her words. They were so similar - in fact they were almost exactly - what I felt. After my best friend Adam married a girl I knew I loved, I was almost dead in side. And just like the girl that answered. I was fine now because one thing I knew I had, I had faith. I was going to find the perfect girl sooner or later and when I did. I would love her because she would be my princess. 


"Thank you for sharing that with us Miss Essa" the lecturer said, " And if a client came with a similar problem what would you do?"

"As a psychologist I think the right thing to do would be to tell the patient to let the tension go as it would cause stress. As a psychologist I would also recommend not cry and I would say 'forgiveness is the key'..." 

"That is exactly correct" the teacher smiled

"But as a human being-" the Essa girl continued, "I would suggest crying it all out, because crying is good for you. Feel sorry for yourself and do something nice for yourself. Have sympathy on yourself and just treat yourself. And once you're done crying... make sure you let it all out. And then promise yourself to never cry for the same reason ever again"

( Greetings to all my readers. 

This is a new book called "Just you and me"

I hope you enjoy it. 

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And now I leave you with one thought and one thought only.

Male sea horses can give birth through their mouth.

Okay, slms, bye, adios.

*Tap that vote button and I will send you a virtual burger*

Kind Regards. 

-Yumna Moosa

(ps; I also write Just Friends. So go check it  out. You may like it. You may not like it. Sooo idk.)

Bye for real now) 

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