Part 3 Chapter 4: Death to the Tsar!

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Katya hid from the guards, whom of which were panicking slightly and rushing to find her. They knew she had escaped. What they didn't know was that one of their men were dead, thanks to the Russian girl. She killed him through blunt force trauma, after all she needed his weapon; a shotgun. Any gun would've been fine, however this shotgun (and its ammo) could be a rather useful weapon. She clenched onto the gun rushing down the halls with her thin and nimble legs. Where would Czar be? She didn't know, but she needed to.

She could hear faint murmurs and grumbles nearby. Were those some guards? No, they were too animalistic; perhaps they were one of his mutant swine. Katya felt a faint smirk rise on her face as she ran down the halls as quietly as possible, the faded colors on the wall giving a very bleak perspective to the building. The once rather beautiful cathedral. Now only propaganda posters were strewn across it, along with some illegible writing, scribbles basically. Katya let out a sigh, before gaze fell back onto the hallways ahead. She could hear the grumbles get louder and the clopping of hooves. She was getting close. Soon she barged into one of the rooms gun clouded before being attacked by one of the boars, Sputnik. Its tusks sliced into her skin as it pounced onto her, squealing out its pure fury. Katya fought with it, only to quickly realize Czar wasn't in here. She yelled before then pushing the boar off of her as she ran away.

She couldn't run for very long, however, and , panting heavily, sweating furiously, she found herself tired. She stood in place for a bit, her gaze fell back for a few moments, only to spot the boar, whom of which had followed after her. She couldn't run at the moment, she glanced down at her gun. Then Katya aimed it at the boar's head before shooting it directly,  which caused the beast to let out a horrified shriek in pain. The swine soon fell down, its lifeless body seeping blood from its head. That was it for Sputnik so it seemed. Katya sighed in relief before she felt a sharp pain in her shoulder, blood soon racing down it. Her eyes widened and she turned around.

Czar. Czar was there, on the other side of the hall, pistol in hand and looking more pissed than a starving dog without its meal. "You killed my animal!!"  Czar screamed aloud, noticing that his other boar was hiding behind him. "Despicable half-breed!"

Katya didn't answer him, she ran. She ran and he shot back at her. She attempted to reload her shotgun, only to lose some ammo as more searing pain entered her body from his bullets. He sure as hell could reload quicker than she could, which was the curse of shotguns. She soon hid in what seemed to be a cabinet, most likely brought into the cathedral (most likely by Czar so it seemed. He couldn't find her in there, which gave her enough time to reload.

"Come out, little swan! Come out, come here! Die like a hero, if you must.."

Katya listened from the safety of cabinet, her heart soon racing as she felt blood run down her back.

"But you aren't one, are you? You're the spawn of my beautiful Queen, may she Rest In Peace, But you are not of the sort! You aren't one of the Pure ones, no you betrayed us. You are a half-breed..."

Katya's eyes widened.

"Whomever your father was, that is who you are! You are nothing of your mother! Just look at yourself, little swan!"

Katya clenched the shotgun.

"If I were to meet that man, I would kill him, I would kill him in the most beautiful way! How dare he touch my Queen! How dare he cause your existence! You are nothing like her! Nothing! Why didn't I see that before? You betrayed your people, the creator of communism, by wanting to kill me... filthy half-breed!"

Katya got ready to jump out and leave.

"That is why I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you like what my men did to your little 'friend' there. Lithuanian piece of shit! Damn Dirty one he is! First, I'll torture you, torture you until you beg for death! Beg for death and talk! Talk! Talk! Talk! Then  I'll shoot you, Wait you to die by shooting your lungs and heart. Then, then I'll chop you all up! Chop! Chop! Chop! Your limbs, your head, your body! Then...oh then I'll keep your head, I'll keep it as my little trophy, little swan!"

This man, he had taken away everything from her; her bear, her most beloved items, her own mental state, and the only other human she had cared about that wasn't family. She wasn't leaving until he was dead. Katya jumped out of her cabinet and raced out of the room. Her gaze soon faced upon the crazed man. She lifted up her gun; it seemed as if he didn't know she was here at the moment, back turned and the like. She aimed it and then... BANG! She shot him right in the head. Right then and there. His other boar ran off in fear, not wanting to die to the girl.

Katya limped towards the corpse, Czar was bleeding out.

" not Russian....Not a....pure one... a half-breed ...heheh...Anya..are...are you waiting for me up there...sweetie....?" Czar spoke his last words before falling into unconsciousness. Katya clenched onto her own bloodied wounds for a moment. He wasn't dead, no, she had just knocked him out. He was, however bleeding out , which would most definitely cause death if not treated soon. Katya searched his pocket, stealing his ushanka hat to place on her head before then taking his knife. The knife looked to be military in origin, and was rather clean (along with being well kept to say the least, it wasn't the tiniest bit rusty!), which was unusual. The girl then cut his head off of his body. Blood squirted and poured out of his deceased body, it grew to be more and more cold by the second. Now he was dead. Dead at last.

She did her best to wrap her wounds with his clothing, ripping off large wads to wrap them in, before she grabbed the head and limped towards where the bastard did his speeches. She was too slow. Now she could hear loud thumps... how much blood did she lose? She didn't know... she coughed a bit as the thumps got closer and closer, before she felt a warm muzzle and wet nose press behind her. M'ya. He...he came back. The mutant bear must've fought through a sea of soldiers to get to her, which she noted due to the amount of blood that stained his fur, which seemed to confirm her hypothesis. Katya found tears streaming down her face, dropping the head for a moment before hugging her companion. "'re back!" She said aloud, her voice cracking since she hadn't used it in quite a while. She sniffled, before M'ya gave her back her gas mask and 1.0. "M'ya.." She found more tears roll down her pale and bloodied face, the bear soon licking it, either he did not wish to see her cry, or he was cleaning her. Though there was a chance that he just found the taste of tears to be rather delicious. Whichever it was, Katya didn't care. She had her companion back. Her bear. "Good...good boy." She murmured before she had put her gas mask back on. She clenched 1.0 before grabbing the disembodied head by the hair.

M'ya helped  Katya walk to the area where Czar did his speeches and soon held up his head for the masses to see. Each step seemed to be a long march, a march to victory after a battle; it was like if she were a knight, in a way, a knight who had survived the unforgiving battle.


The sound of cheering and screaming could be heard. Moscow went back into chaos.

Utter chaos.

The flying machine, destroyed. Destroyed by Katya and eventually torn down by furious slavers, rebelling from the soldiers that once kept them hostage. The animals once held captive, free. Moscow was sent back into chaos once more. Once more. There were no dirty ones. No half-breeds. No pure ones. No czars. Just chaos. A hellhole,  like it was before.

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