Part 3 Chapter 3: A Man Amongst Bears

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M'ya grumbled and whined, where was his human? What happened to her? He glanced around the area where his own kind were kept, not that he thought about them as the same. He may have been a multi-armed, mutant brown bear, but he was not like them. He was raised by humans, he knew little of being like an actual bear. He lived with man, so he became man. While the other bears growled and snarled, fighting for dominance amongst one another, M'ya wallowed and hid. He didn't know how to act around the others and usually just stayed hidden in a corner, whimpering, almost as if he were crying for his human to find him. The only person here whom he could trust was the smaller human. He would feed him and give him water, along with a couple of pets. He wasn't his human though. His human was a her. His human was his family, and he was her family.

M'ya places his one pair of his large paws above his head, which covered his eyes. He tried to sleep as best as he could, but he just couldn't. He couldn't stop thinking about his human, she was taken from him. Taken. The mean humans dragged her away, before they dragged him away. They didn't take away her thingies, did they? He personally liked the talking-shooting thingie, he made lots of weird sounds! He removed his paws from his head as it rose higher up, glancing around for a moment with his brown gaze. He soon stood up. He would have to find his human, wouldn't he? Oh he would! Yes he would! He would find her! And her thingies! And would get them away from here! He would get them far, far away from here!

M'ya let out a silent grumble as he stepped over the other sleeping bears, heading to the place we're the humans entered and left. That place could be easily opened, right? It wouldn't be like the place where the bears entered and left; hard to break and open, that is. M'ya's ears twitched for a moment, as he began to push against the door. Push....push....push...PUSH! and then... CRACK! The entrance-place broke down, along with a part of the wall as well. M'ya growled and grunted cheerfully before running outside. Little did he know, however, he had also allowed the other bears to get back their own freedom as well.

M'ya rushed down the streets of this odd place. He would have to be a brave boy! He couldn't be scared at the moment, he had to be a brave boy! He caught the scent of some familiar items. His owner's thingies? He tilted his head and followed the scent, his ears lowering as he whimpered once more. His large paws clenched onto the ground below him as he followed the scent, passing through the many winding corridors of this strange place, until he saw a not too big, but not too small building. He tilted his head, before crashing into it, obviously scaring a few more of those not-his humans. That didn't matter though, he made a B-line straight to the origin of the scent. It was the thingie his human put on her face, and along with the talking-shooting thingie! He carefully grabbed them with his mouth. N-Natasha! Scanners %#10101 Unable to detect ##%#10110! It soon blurted aloud, before then saying Soup! What a funny thingie!

He ran around, before soon catching the scent of his human. His human was a bit far, the scent was faint, barely even noticeable in all honesty, however it was still there. M'ya grunted as he followed the scent. He was going to get his human back from the mean humans, oh yes he was, oh yes he was! Then she would give him lots of kisses and hugs, before calling him a good boy! He was a good boy, yes he was! He would be an even better boy when he saved her from the mean humans. Those meanies! If they dare even lay a touch on his human he'd be sure to rip them to shreds! Why did humans like doing that to his human? Humans could be rather weird at times in all honesty, but most of those things they did M'ya was normal to him. After all, he did live with a human. His human.

His human who cared for him. His human who saved him. His human who fed him. His human who gave him lots of belly rubs and kisses. His human. He would save him human. Yes he would.

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