Who To Blame

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Thanks for the comments and votes. Here's another chapter like I said.

Addison rested her chin on her knees as she wrapped her arms around her legs. Her gaze stayed on the sitcom playing on the motel room's TV. They had gotten back two hours ago and wouldn't say it had gone well.

Micah seemed agitated so she avoided him and spoke even less then she normally did. He was currently sitting on the bed with his lap top out, doing work she supposed. They were leaving for the island tomorrow and the idea made her stomach hurt.

"Shit!" The computer clattered to the floor and Micah jumped up from the bed. The audience's laughter on the television followed his outburst. He started to pace and he was clearly irate. He was yanking at his ear, the one below the scar. "Shit!"

Addison slid from the chair wanting to go unnoticed and went to the corner she had retreated to the day before. If she was small, maybe he wouldn't notice her was her thinking as she slid down the wall and to the floor.

He raged so much he even knocked over the bedside lamp.

He picked up the laptop after awhile and approached her with it. He shoved it in her face. "What's the meaning of this!" He yelled.

The sight of her sister made her head swim. There she was on the social media site in a picture of her holding up a sign with her picture on it, the whole post was clearly about her missing sister Addison who had disappeared a month ago from her house. She was pleading for any information.

Tears filled her eyes. "I...I told you I wasn't Jasmine." She started to laugh a bit hysterically as tears raced down her face. "I told you."

"Shut up!" He punched the wall next to her head and like a switch had been turned off the hysterics stopped. "You're not Jasmine?"

"No," she shook her head. He grabbed the front of her shirt roughly and yanked her forward.

"Are you lying?"

"No...No... I'm not... I'm her sister."

He let go of her, his gaze floating off to the side. He was thinking hard, she could tell. He finally looked at her again. "Then you have a choice, Addison." He said calmly. " You can either take your sister's place, take her punishment," his jaw gritted. "Or I do make the right sister pay...because someone is going to pay, Addison. Don't think I will release you and you'll be able to go save your sister and tell some cops on me because maybe it won't be the same way but I will get my hands on your sister and I will make her pay. Or...you can pay for her." He looked down at the laptop still in his hand. "She seems to love you and I'm sure she's suffering with you gone..." He seemed to like that idea very much. "What will it be?" Addison licked her lips her pulse wild. "Make your choice now or I'll choose for you!"

"I..." a sob broke through her lips. "I...I'll pay." She thought of her sister. She thought of the time they were ten years old and she accidental wasted juice on her mother's boy friend and the time laptop. She thought about how her sister took the blame for her and how her sister was nearly beaten to death for her. Jasmine had to stay in the hospital for two months. She still had screws in her jaw because of her. How could she betray her sister? How could she choose herself over her sister after that?

Micah looked surprised and he was quiet for a long time as he just stared at her with narrowed eyes.

"Well," he finally said, "I hope she's worth it."

Addison swallowed. "Wasn't she?" And they both knew who 'she' was. Lilac.

He sneered at her but moved away from her, leaving her alone the rest of the night.

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