Chapter 5 P.M : Sadness.

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[ Two Days Later ] 

"What is life ? " I mumbled to myself as I was staring at the ceiling. I laughed and brought the bottle to my mouth and drank the beer. Even if Glorya came two days ago to empty my house of all the alcohol, I went yesterday to the supermarket and bought me some beers. I was already at the last bottle since I drank the others the last night, what meant that I had to get out of the house again.

People were trying to call me, but I decided to stop answering. I was tired of all them wanting to know if I was good and if I needed something. The only thing I wanted was Lali, but I already knew they couldn't do that for me. No. Nobody could. "Life is sadness." I responded to myself and took the last sip and threw the bottle at the wall and it broke in pieces. 

I chuckled and stood up, then went in the bathroom to pee. Once I was done, I washed my hands, then undressed and got in the shower. I stayed in there during three hours before to feel clean. Then I dried my body, put lotion on and got dressed. I threw on a simply white t-shirt and a grey jeans with grey Adidas. I grabbed my keys and went in the garage. I chose a car and got in, then drove to the supermarket that was forty-five minutes away. These past days, I was so drunk that it didn't feel like I was anymore. I bought beer, wine, Vodka, whisky and champagne. And I drove back home. Once I entered in, I went in the kitchen and put the bottles on the counter and in the fridge.

After having done it, I went in my bedroom and opened the drawer of my nightstand and put out the little book Walter gave me when I got out of jail. I hadn't read it since then, expect one time and it was one week after he died. I felt like everybody was going to leave me. Yeah, maybe it was just me. Maybe it was my fault if all these persons had died. I just needed an explanation, something.

I sighed and opened the book :

“Courageous people do not fear forgiving,
  for the sake of peace“ 

“Even if you have a terminal disease,
  you don't have to sit down and mope.
  Enjoy life and challenge the illness that you have."

"Forget the past."

"There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the way in which yourself have altered.“

“Let there be work,
  water and salt for all.“

“It is wised to persuade people to do things and make them think it was their own idea.“

  I feel like one who is on the sidelines,
  who has missed life itself.“

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