Qing's parents and Dayu's parents then took the seats prepared for them whilst Dayu and Qing took their place in front of them.

Before the tea ceremony, however, both Qing and Dayu were given the opportunity to address the elders before them.

Qing was the first to speak.

"But still..I apologised for having to meet you like this.." Qing said, while still bowing at Dayu's parents.

Dayu looked at Qing unblinkingly , seeing how Qing was treating his parents and hearing Qing's words as he spoke to his parents; Dayu couldn't help but feel strangely proud.

"Please... You don't have to apologise for anything, son..!" Dayu's father quickly patted Qing's shoulder and urged Qing to sat back upright.

"And you can call us mother, and father.." Dayu's mother beamed at Qing and then at Dayu, before smiling at Qing's parents. Qing's parents smiled back at her. The sight before them was very heart warming indeed.

"Yes.. After all..This is a tea ceremony...We are welcoming you to our family..." Feng JiSang said, noticing how Dayu lowered his eyes, with blushing cheeks.

It's amazing to see his usually composed son showing so much emotions. And he was even blushing up to his ears. It's every parents dream to finally see their child look that happy, and that in love.

"Well..We would also love for Dayu to address us as Ma and Baba...Just like how Qing does.." Qing's father said exchanging a look with his wife who was looking so happy, fighting back tears of joy.

It's not a big union between two people. There were no bouquets of flowers, no banquet, no TV coverage, no guests; but, everything seemed even more joyful. It was so much more intimate and so much more meaningful to both Qing and Dayu and their parents.

Qing squeezed Dayu's hand, as the butlers and maids finally finished setting up the tea, and then he reluctantly let Dayu go because they're going to perform the tea ceremony.

By then, both Ellen Feng and Wang JiNa began to cry, with happy tears, whilst their husbands kept their emotions at bay, while proudly accepting their son and son's in law cup of tea.

To end the ceremony, Qing and Dayu received a red packet each, from both their own parents and their in laws.

Usually, the tea ceremony would be performed separately, first in front of the bride's parents and after that, in front of the groom's parents once the couple came for their visit. But; there's no reason why it couldn't be done at the same time, if the opportunity arises, like today.

In less than half an hour; Wang Qing the ultimate Alpha and Feng JianYu, the recessive Omega officially became a couple, by tradition; with their own parents as their sole witness.

It was only after the ceremony, that the family finally had their dinner.

At 10.30 p.m.


Qing raised his eye brow at Dayu, who seemed to have been frozen on his feet at the door

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Qing raised his eye brow at Dayu, who seemed to have been frozen on his feet at the door.

"What are you doing?" Qing pretended to ask, "come on, in.."

Dayu blinked at Qing; knowing that the man was teasing him. Qing knew exactly why Dayu was shocked. He was also very embarrassedly shy, that he thought his face would burn up and he would burst into flame any seconds now.

Dayu looked around; and gulped. It's obvious that the room had been prepared as a 'newlywed's' room.

The bedroom was big; with its own enclosed bathroom, and a seating area with a mini kitchen/bar, a walking closet and a balcony.

The bed was king-sized, with striking red bedsheet, and pillows and red blankets, sewn with golden Chinese characters.

How Qing's mother could have prepared everything in just a few hours; was amazing.

The tea ceremony, took Dayu's breath away; and now this. Dayu almost couldn't believe that everything was really happening to him right now.

Dayu took a step inside and slowly closed the door behind him.

Qing smiled, loving Dayu's every reactions. Since the moment he told Dayu that he wanted them to perform the tea ceremony, while they're on their way to Qing's home to meet their parents; up until now; Dayu's reactions had been priceless.

Qing treasured every single blink of those big beautiful eyes, every embarrassed and shy expressions on Dayu's face that caused his cheeks to become pink all the way to his ears and neck, every gasps of breath Dayu uttered in surprise and disbelief; every pout of those pair of delicious lips; everything. Qing treasured them all, as he made a mental copy of everything and saved them in his memory.

When they had to do an overtime on the case because they suddenly got one new lead in the case, Qing; who had been beyond himself with excitement of meeting his in laws, all morning had to curb his excitement and put all of his attention on the case.

They caught a suspicious figure, from Dayu's tracker duo's past 'memory' and future 'readings', and whom Dayu remembered to have caught a glimpse of, while they're visiting one of the crime scene.

They took all day to search for information of that particular person, using their internet experts in both Dayu and Qing's team. When they got the address it was already evening. Still, they went to the address anyway, but, when they got there, it was too late. The person they're looking for had left an hour before they arrived.

They gathered evidences from around the house and took pictures and fingerprints, before they went back to their work base to record the new lead. They also held a brief conference about the case before they called it a day.

Being late for the meeting, it was nothing to be proud of, and Qing knew that it was not the way to impress his in laws, but he just hoped and prayed that his parents would be able to 'help' him and calm Dayu's parents down.

Qing was more nervous than excited, knowing he screwed up, as they drove to his family home, but seeing Dayu's expressions made him calm. Qing felt loved. Dayu's expressions were what made Qing became confident again.

I want to have this man. And I am going to do it right. That's what Qing decided.

Dayu, on the other hand didn't know what to do, because he was experiencing everything for the first time. And ever since he acknowledged that he loved Wang Qing, he became unable to separate his outward expression to what he was feeling inside his heart.

Qing was like a whirlwind; taking him by force and he couldn't do anything but follow the flow and trust in the man.

After all. He wanted to be with the man, as much as the man wanted to be with him. Dayu knew that without an ounce of doubt.

"Uhm.." Qing's voice jolted Dayu back to the present. He turned to look at Qing, who was smiling wolfishly, already unbuttoning his shirt, "Let's take a bath first...? Shall we..?"

Dayu gulped again, as he felt his whole body began to respond to Qing's obvious seduction; even though Dayu was blushing furiously with embarrassment.

It's a newlywed's room. And this is their first night as a 'newlywed'.

They might haven't signed any papers yet, or exchanged any vows yet, but with the tea ceremony, they were already each other's family. They're already promised to each other.

That's when Dayu decided to shed all inhibitions. He began walking towards Qing, meeting Qing's eyes, bravely.

Qing's playful smile immediately disappeared as his heart began drumming wildly and his throat dried up with anticipation and desire.

His chosen mate is walking to him. And tonight, Qing's going to mark him, and seal their bond.

They welcomed each other in their arms, and began kissing.

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