Chapter 6

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*Micah's POV*

I really didn't like the person that I got stuck with but I don't really have a choice right now. We ran as fast as we could down the hallways. The clock was ticking and my heart was racing. "Thirty seconds." The man said over the intercom. I could hear the smile in his voice and it made the anger boiling inside of me grow. "We need to hide." Sophia complained. "Alright hang on we just need to find a good hiding place." I said. "Ten seconds." I grabbed her wrist and ran into the dark band room to my left. I closed the door quickly and crouched down in the corner of the room.

"I have a boyfriend, but I can make an exception for you if you want." Sophia said with a small smirk plastered on her face. I looked down and quickly let go of her wrist. "No thank you! I'm more into smart and responsible girls." I said. Her smirk turned into a huge frown. "Excuse me?!" She exclaimed. I glared at her. "I am ALL OF THOSE thank you very much!" She said loudly. "Be quiet! Time is up and they are looking for us right now!" I whisper yelled. She opened her mouth but I slapped my hand over it. She tried to speak through my hand but all that came out were some muffled words that I couldn't understand.

The mumbling stopped once we heard the door handle jiggle. I crawled quietly to the door and grabbed the cymbals as quietly as I could. Surpisingly they barely made a sound. I stood by the door, ready to attack. I motioned for Sophia to get next to me and she obeyed. We waited for a while until I realized that he wasn't outside the door anymore. I let out a sigh of relief and opened the door slowly. I kept Sophia behind me to protect her since I had the weapons. Then she screamed. I turned around quickly and saw one of the men with a gun pointed at Sophia.

"Watch out!" I yelled as I threw my hand in front of her. The bullet ricocheted off of the cymbal and flew past the guy's face. Sophia and I exchanged looks. I looked back at the man getting ready to shoot us again and held the cymbals up and used them as a shield. "Quick run." I told Sophia. She opened her mouth to protest but she immediately changed her mind once a bullet flew passed her head. I ran after her with the cymbals covering our backs. Then before I could turned the corner I threw one of the cymbals like a frisbee and hit the man in the stomach.

"Wow you're awesome." Sophia said in awe. "Yeah I know. Now come on, we need to find the key before we end up in a puddle of blood." I said. She nodded and we continued to run down the dark hallways.

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