“You can’t scare me out of the job. I worked so hard to get to the interview itself and I can’t let it all go because of you. We just need to work together and that is it. We don’t have to talk outside of work.”

“I don’t want to talk to you inside or out! I don’t want or need you around so if you want to be treated like trash daily then be my guest!”

With that said Richard hung up on me.

Wow. Just wow.

I was split into two the rest of the day.

One part of me kept saying to forget this job. The other part of me
kept saying to keep the job.

Unfortunately, the feeling of keeping the job was stronger. I knew that working for Richard would be hard, but I didn’t care for many reasons.

One being I needed money and something to do at least for the summer.

Besides Richard is from a wealthy family and was probably fed from gold spoons all his life. He wouldn’t
understand the struggle of finding a job and earning money which is why he is trying to dismiss me as if
job opportunities comes like the data bill.


My phone vibrated again so I reached for it to see I got a message from Richard.

He had texted two threatening words which changed my whole mind about everything.

The words were:


LOL I was joking about it changing my mind.

This had no impact on me.

It just shows that Richard always had things his way and he doesn’t understand why anyone is saying no
to him.

But what he doesn’t know is that he is about to receive a lot more no’s because I don’t suck up to anyone.


I stood outside the building and stared quietly at it. I couldn’t believe a few days ago I was here.

I was wearing my black top and black Demin skirt with white trainers. I felt very self-conscious of my thighs because the skirt was above the knees, but I was feeling very hot and didn’t have the strength to care
about my insecurities right now.

I turned to walk inside when I bumped into someone who was holding a drink. Not a lot spilt on me, but some did.

I looked up to see an attractive man in a black suit. I couldn’t help but be reminded of Richard.

He gasped when he realized what he had done, before pulling out a
handkerchief and trying to wipe my arms and top.

“I am so sorry sweetheart. I don’t know why I am so clumsy.”

“It’s okay. I should have been watching too,” I gave him a shy smiled as he tilted his head to the side and
stared at me.

“Do you work in here?” the man asked as he pointed at the building I was going into.

“Well I haven’t started but today I am having a tour around the place,” the man smiled and nodded.

“You are going to love it here,” he looked at his watch before frowning.

He then pulled out a small white card and handed it to me which I took.

“You can call or message me if you need anything. I may not work in the same sector as you, but I might be able to help you with some things.”

I looked at him and he winked at me before running up the stairs and disappearing inside the building.

That was different.

I stood there and watched the door the man just ran through. I pushed the card into my oyster card wallet before checking my phone time.

I had five minutes to get to Davison and Richard. I ran up the stairs and walked to the receptionist. She
looked at me and nodded before saying:

“Miranda?” I nodded and she walked me to Davison’s office.

“Should I help you get in again or do you want to do it?” the receptionist asked with a smirk.

“Umm I think I might- “

Just then the door opened, and Davison stood there. He was wearing a white suit and he ushered me
inside before immediately shutting the door.

“I am so glad you could make it Miranda. How have you been?”

“I am doing great and how have you been?” I asked him and he smiled before leaning on his desk.

“I am doing great too. We are just going to wait for Richard,” as if scripted Richard walked in wearing a Nike t-shirt and shorts with black trainers. He stared at me for a while and I could see the hate building
up in his eyes.

“Right Richard I am leaving Miranda with you so you can show her around,” Davison placed an arm
around Richard. “Be nice like you promised.”

Davison gave Richard a pat on his shoulder before leaving the two of us alone. Richard stood still staring
at me before he started to scratch his head.

“What did I tell you Miranda?” he asked looking very tired and irritated.

I shrugged my shoulders before
walking towards the door.

“Please take me on the tour Richard.”

“NO!” my eyes widened in shock. He shouted at me. “What part of no don’t you or anyone understand?!?”

“Your father wants me to work for you Richard. I don’t see why you don’t-“

“-My father wants more,” he interrupted causing me frown.

“What do you mean?” I asked gently as Richard rubbed his head.

“I had an assistant here before and I loved her, and my dad didn’t. He said she isn’t a good girlfriend or work partner material, but he recently told me you would be good for both roles.”

“Well don’t worry,” I said feeling annoyed that he thinks that I would even want a relationship or take
on this job for a relationship. “I am just your assistant. I am not going to have anything else with you. Not now. Not ever.”

Richard slowly nodded before walking to the door and opening it. He walked out of the office and I ran
after him.

He kept going to different rooms around the place but he wasn’t saying anything.

After a few minutes of running around the place we found ourselves in the reception.

“Your tour is done,” Richard said with a dead tone before walking but I grabbed his arm causing him to freeze.

“You didn’t explain to me anything! You just made me run after you!” he pulled his arm away before giving me the coldest glare ever.

“Don’t you ever fucking touch me again!” he stormed of causing people to move out his way. I watched
him until I couldn’t see the back of him.

He was right. It wasn’t going to be easy.

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